Upcoming Ileostomy and Potential Future Colon Surgery Concerns

Mar 02, 2018 9:18 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm due to get a loop ileostomy any day now and I'm told that in a year or two I will probably need to have a bigger operation to remove my colon as there is a risk of diversion colitis. I'm not sure if my body could cope with a big operation at this point of my life and I'm wondering what the average length of time people can remain with a loop ileostomy before needing to have the colon removed.

Any comments would be very welcome.

Past Member
Mar 02, 2018 10:54 pm

Hello mate. I’m jerz.have more fath in your body’s ability to regenerate.it will on its own nomater what your brain 🧠 says.servival 1o1.fight or flight feeling big time.keep one thing in mind.try to look 👀 down the road if pooper needs to go years from now . You might just want to make a long road shorter with your next ride with the sand man.just heve confidence nomater what you do you will live and recover.  If you get the option hi mount or low irecomend hi mount.cofidence is very sexy don’t you think.62strong.✝️

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Mar 07, 2018 9:11 pm

Hi Jerz,

Thanks for replying to my message, I know you are right about the bodys ability to heal I've been through a lot over the last 30 years and amazingly I'm still here! Re the ileostomy I think I will just have to get it done and not worry too much about what the future years might bring.

Thanks again for all your comments.

Keep strong.
