Concerns about Cobnuts causing blockages?

Aug 26, 2018 3:57 pm

Hi there

This is going to sound like a bit of a crazy question and I'm not sure if anyone will know the answer. I have enjoyed eating Kentish cobnuts since I was very young but now I am scared that they will cause a blockage. A cobnut is a type of hazel but it is fresh and hasn't been dried. When it is chewed, it almost becomes like a paste. I have searched the internet and I cannot find any answers as to whether they are likely to cause a blockage or not.

Thank you


Aug 26, 2018 6:51 pm

Hi Omer, I have eaten a lot of nuts but found that I have to chew them very well. I have a colostomy so not as bad as some others. The only problem I have had is if there is a big piece, it will poke a hole either around the ring at the stoma or at the tail when I empty it or it gets under the Velcro.


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Aug 26, 2018 7:55 pm

My reply is "everything in moderation" as the ancient Greeks used to say.


Aug 26, 2018 8:10 pm

It's funny. I'm ileostomy but, I never eat any nuts now.

Aug 27, 2018 3:20 am

I have an ileostomy and eat nuts fine...but....CHEW them really really good..seriously I had a blockage from not chewing raw carrots and it was very nasty...


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Aug 27, 2018 3:22 am

Feck that

If I avoid nuts and raw carrots, I'm quite happy with that


Aug 27, 2018 3:27 am

Hahahahahahaha Victor....too funny!

Aug 27, 2018 3:41 am

Feck that

If I avoid nuts and raw carrots, I'm quite happy with that


Aug 27, 2018 6:26 am

I eat all sortd of nuts ( and carrots) regularly with no problems. It is, as others have said, very wise to chew thoroughly.

Best wishes


Aug 28, 2018 1:33 pm

I've had an ileostomy since 1990, in the nature of low residue. There are two ways to look at a new food since surgery. First is, of course, water and more water while introducing the new foods one at a time, and to see how low residue you can chew something, don't swallow, take it out of your mouth and put it on a screen strainer, letting water drip on it. After about 5 minutes, you can see what is left - residue. I tried this with certain things like olives and stuff I know are not low residue. These items I enjoy I eat, but in little amounts. Certain lettuce never breaks down, spinach is high residue. I go as far as having a few beers and eating things like corn on the cob. So after 28 years, I've been to the hospital 3 times for blockage. One time, I ate a fruit basket with fresh apples, an orange, and a banana - shame on me. The second time was peanuts on a long drive with no drink - shame on me. Once, I don't remember what I ate, but they can often unblock with a laxative or pump the stomach. So my recap is that all 3 blocks were not wise and were caused by me not drinking enough water while eating. The things I know may cause a blockage, I eat a little, drink, eat something else, eat some more, and repeat. Those nuts sound like eating a little at a time may work out. I always have a bottle of fuzzy sodium citrate laxative or real grape juice cold, and really cold water to move things along. If you think you are blocked, do jumping jacks, go for a walk or run, and drink fluids.

Aug 29, 2018 6:40 pm

Well, I had to do a search as I wasn't sure what a cobnut was. It seems to me like others have already said, chewing well is the best idea. If you're not sure, how about just eating a few the first time and wait for a day or so to see how you feel. You can eat a few more with each sitting but chew well.

Sep 04, 2018 10:57 pm
Hi Omer, as Bill, Patrick, and Mrs. A suggested, try the new food, a little at a time, chew well, and drink a lot of water. Eating and digesting "nuts" of any kind, as well as fibrous veggies, is quite individual. Things I used to be able to eat... I can no longer tolerate. I can eat cashews with no problem, but other nuts are harder... and a good clue is if they come out the way they went in, you need to chew more. Sometimes, fibrous foods bunch up, letting the liquid through, but can take days to come out. Trial and error is the best solution. Best of luck, Marsha.
Sep 05, 2018 1:03 am

Hey, eat a little and give it a try. Drink lots of water. I have to watch out for nuts of any kind. I have a permanent ostomy and I have to watch how much I eat. They are more of a fiber for me than, well, you get the picture. So not much help but just some thoughts.

Miss -T

Sep 05, 2018 2:05 am

A story a WOCN told me at one of my first checkups about food was this: A patient had asked her if he could eat raw carrots because he really liked them. She said that was fine, just chew, chew, chew and start out slow. Well, time went on and he was admitted to the hospital for a blockage. Turns out he had eaten a whole bag of baby carrots with the rationale that he chewed them really, really well! LOL

So there you go ... try it out a little at a time and as has been said before -- moderation! I have an ileostomy -- Sheldon will be 3 years old in November -- and there is not anything that I have on a "do not eat" list. But I have slowly tried some of the more "cautious" foods.