Struggling with Colostomy Irrigation After 10 Years

Jan 11, 2008 7:54 pm
hi there.the names rob........ive had colostomy now for just over 10 years..and it aint caused me any real problems, the last 9 years i have been irrgating every other morning and its been great.  but for the last 6months it just aint worked at all..i havent changed my eating habits or general life style , im juust unable to control thye out put now ...any ideas anyone ...any help would be greatly appreciated

                     BTW if you see me on line ...just call.. im very friendly english guy who is always willing to chat

            cyas folks
Mar 11, 2008 6:13 pm

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Try the two piece system and you might find that the irrigation problem might be eliminated.  Good luck....
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May 14, 2008 12:05 pm
Hello Rob

I'm relatively new to this site and have just read your post.

I too live in the UK, have had my colostomy 10 years and have been irrigating every day for 9 years. I've recently had to give up irrigating because I've been recently registered as blind and am finding it very difficult to do now. However, I've tons of experience in irrigating mine in just about every situation. I'd like to help if I can.

If you think a chat would help and I'm not on-line, please feel free to reach me on **email removed**

Just one thing before I go, I take it that you've discussed the changes in your irrigation with your stoma care clinic.

Best wishes
