Hello all,
Well, I had my colostomy reversed 2+ weeks ago after a partial colon resection with colostomy due to ruptured diverticulitis on Easter Sunday. The first 2-3 days went well with expected pain. That's when the wheels started to fall off. I developed an ileus (GI tract not moving, causing fluid build-up). My doctor and I discussed not using an NG tube unless necessary (bad choice on my part). By day 3-4, the pain was unbearable and I could not sit up or roll from side to side. It was required to place an NG tube, and I puked the entire process. I filled three 2-liter containers within 10 minutes. I was NPO for 11 days and in ICU for 6 days. I was delusional for 3-4 days (due to sepsis and lactic acid build-up) and would not identify myself because I thought I was in a secretive ICU that you had to be "picked" by a doctor to be in. I am a physician at that hospital, and the part of the ICU that I was in was brand new, and I had never been in there before. It took me 8 days to have the first BM. Then I would have 2-3 a day until the 9th night when I woke up having an uncontrollable BM. Luckily, my nursing staff collected a sample and sent it to the lab for C. diff. I turned out to be positive for C. diff. My surgeon says that he sees quite a bit of C. diff with multiple abdominal surgery patients. I have been home for 3 days now.
My best advice for anyone who is thinking of reversal or any abdominal surgery is:
#1- Get up and walk frequently post-op, even if it's short. Do it as many times a day as possible.
#2- We are all going to have a lot of BMs, but if you are having cramping with diarrhea, consider being tested for C. diff.
#3- I did not post this to be negative about this process, but to point out that complications arise and can be dealt with. This is a major surgery!
Many thanks to all who have posted before me. I have learned a lot from you all!