Dreaming of My Ostomy - A Step Towards Acceptance?

Sep 17, 2020 8:59 pm

Hi all, I don't always remember my dreams and sometimes wish I didn't remember the ones I do. One thing I've noticed in the past eleven months since my first surgery is that any dream I did remember that I was a participant in, I did not have an ostomy. I was my normal pre-ostomy self. Last night for the first time I had a dream where I not only had an ostomy, but I was wearing something that showed my pouch, low rise pants, with the pouch hanging out and completely visible as the top I was wearing only came to my waist. The people I was with seemed to take no notice of this and we were having a conversation about something unrelated. Very strange!! I'm thinking this is perhaps a step towards acceptance so I'm looking at it as a good thing. I am coming up on my one year anniversary and I have my moments of feeling pretty down, but those moments seem to be fewer and fewer. I know I will have a whole new period of adjustment after my next surgery for an ileostomy, but I am pretty comfortable with the knowledge that I will be an ostomate for the rest of my life. This support group by the way has played no small part in my acceptance process and I thank you all so much for that.

Anyone else have ostomy dreams that you would care to share?


Past Member
Sep 17, 2020 10:06 pm

Yes, Terry, I would agree that the dream indicates your comfort level with your ostomy. You were not embarrassed about it showing, and your friends didn't treat it as unusual. You have largely come to terms with your ostomy, by the sounds of your dream. Great that this site has been helpful.


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Sep 17, 2020 11:33 pm

Hi Laurie,   Well, just to be clear, I would never actually be out in public with my appliance showing.   I know there are some who have reached that level of comfort, like some women with two-piece bathing suits.   I don't ever think I'll get there, which is fine with me. My two-piece bathing suit days are long gone anyway.


Past Member
Sep 17, 2020 11:39 pm

No, no - dreams are never literal anyway. I can't see myself showing my ostomy in public either. Kudos to those who can, but it won't be me.  


Sep 18, 2020 12:49 am

Check out 'Ostomy Memories Dreams" by HenryM


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Sep 18, 2020 7:56 pm

Thanks Xnine,   I don't know how I missed this thread of posts.  


Sep 20, 2020 8:13 pm

Dreams, yes, I get them also, very vivid ones. Luckily, my dreams involve members of the opposite sex and horses. When I told this to a friend, his reply was: "Nothing new, they occupy your waking hours too." Seriously speaking, they can be due to a variety of factors. Stress and anxiety are the two major culprits and many ostomates are familiar with both of them. The other reasons include medications, beta blockers used for high blood pressure can cause vivid dreams. I take them. However, there is nothing alarming about them unless they lead to sleep disturbances. In that case, a sleep specialist should be consulted. Meditation and yoga and other forms of exercise would help. The more tuckered out you are, the better you sleep. Happy dreams and best wishes.

Sep 21, 2020 1:38 pm

Talking of horses, some people bet on horses with unusual names, while others bet on a horse that is frisky and prancing about before it enters its stall. Both efforts are strictly not recommended. However, I have recently won on horses named: Glasses Up, Eye Up Its Maggie, Soldier Of Love, Just Hiss. I have a guy named Ali who is very interested in sporting events. When we are watching a game, he lurks around in the background. Experience has taught us that he has some kind of psychic ability. Before pronouncing a verdict, he has to be told the colors and names of the participants. Then he will suddenly exclaim, "Red", "Liverpool", announcing the winner. His ability is so well established that people now ask, "Who does Ali think will win?" It is a strange and wondrous world indeed.

Sep 21, 2020 1:39 pm

Talking of horses, some people bet on horses with unusual names, while others bet on a horse that is frisky and prancing about before it enters its stall. Both efforts are strictly not recommended. However, I have recently won on horses named: Glasses Up, Eye Up Its Maggie, Soldier Of Love, Just Hiss. I have a guy named Ali who is very interested in sporting events. When we are watching a game, he lurks around in the background. Experience has taught us that he has some kind of psychic ability. Before pronouncing a verdict, he has to be told the colors and names of the participants. Then he will suddenly exclaim, "Red", "Liverpool", announcing the winner. His ability is so well established that people now ask, "Who does Ali think will win?" It is a strange and wondrous world indeed.

Sep 24, 2020 9:24 pm

Hello all,

I too rarely remember my dreams. I have had my stoma for 6 months now. I have had two memorable dreams. Both placed me at the scene of explosions, car/building, and me running from them. I woke to find my pouch barrier oozing. Luckily, there was not much of a mess. I have had to change my sleeping position and no longer sleep on my side hugging a pillow. The mind is amazing.

Good health to all,
