Hi there, I need some advice please... I've been going to my local nightclub for 5 years. A guy who's also gone there all that time (and longer apparently) is suddenly showing an interest in me. He's very shy, quiet, and hardly talks to anyone but his close mate. They're both bachelors. It was my new 'hairdo' (my wig since hair loss due to low dose chemo for my Crohn's) that did it. They were lightheartedly arguing whether it was me or not! I started chatting to the quiet guy. I've only ever said hello and a few pleasantries before. We shocked his mate as we chatted for ages. I saw him again last week, and as he never dances, I went off to do my usual dancing on my own, as I always go alone. A short while later, I was shocked when he joined me. He knows I've been seriously ill with my bowel, but does not know I have to wear a wig or that I have an ostomy. While we danced closely, I positioned myself so he wouldn't feel anything either. I had my arm in the way of my side with the bag! We danced for quite a while, then suddenly without warning, he leaned forward and snogged me so gently and passionately I was stunned! I have to say my insides turned to jelly and I responded. But now I'm scared, as next time he may want to dance again, and I know at some stage if things progress, I'll have to tell him the truth. But I'm scared of rejection. I always was, even before the bag. I accept it as much as I ever will, but I don't know how to broach the subject, and certainly couldn't on a noisy dancefloor! What to say though? Any advice would be useful please x

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