Hello all my ostomates! How is everything???
I do post on a regular basis to see what everyone has written and how your lives are progressing, but I have been absent lately.
The 27th of this month will be my 3rd-year anniversary of my massive surgery, leaving behind an ileostomy which was a very traumatic day for me that I will never forget!
I find myself adjusting and coping with my ever-present "pouch". I believe all will go well because I have nerve and want to make my life a prosperous one!
I often find myself at the Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, MD when I take my bf there to get treatment (military).
Honestly, I have never seen so many young people with their arms, legs, ears blown off due to the course of action fighting for our country. Although we are all war veterans, I've seen it firsthand and it makes me sad to see our very young resourceful living beings being disfigured as such! We collectively have been to war and back, and that we cannot deny.
We do what we have to do to survive, we're still alive and incredible people that everyone should meet because we have soooo much to offer!!!!
It is very hard for me to walk into that hospital and see everything firsthand, but it makes me realize after all we are all heroes!
I was sliced and diced, my intestine was ripped from my body altering my "normal" life forever. However, seeing these warriors in the prime of their lives with so much adversity to follow, I believe they are my true heroes!

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Returning to work after ostomy surgery should not be rushed.
Check out our 4 necessities before getting back on the job, and our other workplace tips.
Check out our 4 necessities before getting back on the job, and our other workplace tips.
Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.