Vacation 2017

Jan 17, 2017 10:47 pm

Took the family to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for two weeks, Jan 1 - 15. There were nine of us. Our flight was with Westjet, leaving Calgary at 2:45 PM and arriving in PV at 8:30. Have you ever had to change a bag on an airplane? You get to know how cramped the washrooms really are. Landing was a little exciting. We took a couple of good bounces before we touched down. At immigration, everyone got the green light. At customs, no questions were asked. Off to the transfer bus, a twelve-passenger Mercedes-Benz. It took a bit to get all the bags in and then off to our hotel, Sunscapes Resort and Spa. After check-in, we were hungry, but the restaurants were closing down; only the coffee shop was left open for a snack. This is an AI resort, so we mostly hung around the pool, ate, and drank. I tried the kayak tour, but I just do not fit the kayaks; my legs cramped and my back hurt. I could only paddle lying flat. All I could see were a few hang gliders circling above. We did get off the resort for some meals at our favorite restaurants. I was going through bags like crazy and thought I might run out. What to do? Went to the resort doctor for help. He found me a supply store, Medimmed in Colonial Versalles on Milan 162. About a 15-minute walk. They had some Hollister drainable pouches that fit my flange, 1126.01 pesos for a box of 10 ($79.63 CND). I'll see if I can get anything back on my health plan. I usually use closed ones. That was okay; I did not want to possibly run out on the plane. Went into the ocean a few times. No problem. Lots of walking and riding buses. On my birthday, we went to Bucerias, a town north of PV, to the Encore restaurant. A nice meal of some very large shrimp with jazz singer/owner, Armi Grano. It was a lovely celebration. Two weeks go pretty fast. Everyone had a good time. No safety concerns. Packed our bags, got a 2:45 PM flight back, security stopped me on the way out, only used the wand on me, something beeped, no issues. Arrived at +6 C, we left at -20 C and two feet of snow. The chinook is in town.

Jan 17, 2017 11:26 pm

I enjoy travel but would be a little apprehensive about staying 2 weeks at a time! Congrats on making it with no problems. Sounds like you had a great time.

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Jan 18, 2017 12:10 am
Thanks. When my wife retires we hope to stay longer. Just be prepared, like a boy scout.
Jan 18, 2017 6:44 am
Hello xnine.
Thanks for sharing. It's good to hear when people have holidays and other experiences without anything drastic happening as it encourages others to feel that they too can go out in the world and enjoy life to the full. There are risks but then that is so with everything we do, with or without a stoma.
Best wishes
Jan 18, 2017 9:04 am

Xnine, it sounds like you had a great vacation. I'm sure you were at ease once you found the medical supply store. I applaud you... I haven't traveled since I had my surgery in 2015, but I'm preparing to go to my home where I grew up, and where the majority of my family is. I'm hoping my trip is problem-free. So glad you and yours enjoyed! Angel


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Past Member
Jan 18, 2017 3:10 pm
I had ileostomy surgery June 2016. Went on a Christmas cruise in December (17 days) with no problems. I am planning a 2 month vacation to Europe in April. Just will have an extra suitcase full of ostomy supplies. Got to live while you can.
Jan 18, 2017 7:59 pm

Great blog xnine,
I've always loved my holidays and the beach, and three years ago I felt I would never do it again. I've proved myself wrong and am going to keep doing it.
I do fancy a cruise.

Jan 19, 2017 4:24 am

A cruise is nice, but it is about a pound a day gain in weight. We did an excursion, and my shoes were wet and dirty. The next morning, I could not find them. They were outside our door, cleaned and dry. This was pre-ostomy. There is a lot of world to see.