Bag Longevity - When to Change?

Mar 17, 2023 4:52 pm

Hey all!

I'm on my 7th day with a bag and it's in pretty good condition. Is there any reason to change a bag if there's no reason to?

Sounds like a dumb question when you say it out loud but I'm just curious if anyone changes their bag as routine even if it's still good?

If I could push each bag as long as possible it's obviously great on the wallet. So, I'm interested in options on the subject.

Thank you.

Past Member
Mar 17, 2023 4:57 pm

Hi Danno, I change mine every Sunday (I work Mon-Sat). Mainly just to get in a routine. I am always concerned about surprises if I go longer than that.

PS I use a 2-piece so I have the option to change the pouch but keep the wafer on if I needed to.

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Mar 17, 2023 5:56 pm

Seems like the guideline is every 3 days, but I change almost daily because after 24 hours the smell seems to seep through the bag. When I am home, I try to keep it on another day to save money. I wear a one-piece and the adhesive becomes weaker after several days too. During the pandemic, I was working from home, so I decided to experiment and see how long a bag would stay on. During the 3rd day while walking the dog, my bag fell off. It was a really hot day, and I did not double-check my bag before leaving the house. So my limit is 2 days max.

Mar 17, 2023 7:09 pm

How long your bag lasts will vary for many reasons. I do every 4 days roughly. If I push it longer, I can actually begin to smell it. Plus, 4 days works well with how hard I am on bags/seal.

Mar 17, 2023 7:27 pm

I get 10+ days with my Hollister 2-piece and Salts ring. I go until the flange extenders start to lift or any other problem. My skin is still good. I put this one on Mar 8 and it's good for a few more days.


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Mar 17, 2023 8:05 pm

As the saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," there's no right or wrong way, just what's right for you.

I use a one-piece bag. I usually change it every 3 or 4 days as my skin gets irritated under the flange if left any longer. At times when I've been ill and can't be bothered to change, they've lasted 2 weeks without changing. My skin doesn't thank me for it, but no problem with the bag. Salts have just ended production of the one I use, so it's time to see if my next one can take the abuse I throw at it. Lol, I'm sure it will stand up to it.

Mar 17, 2023 8:13 pm

I think you just learn from experience as you go, what works for you. If you have a leak, you've waited too long! Make sure you look at your old flange when you remove it. I change every six days, and have several times gone for seven, so I know that I can, but I can see from how much the output has affected the flange, that it was pretty much at its limit. I choose to change on day six to be on the safe side. I have never experienced smell, no matter how long I've gone, but that would certainly be an indication that it needs to be changed.


Mar 18, 2023 11:55 am

I change once a week and have no issues. Likely could go much longer. I do wear a stealth belt all the time so think that helps. I'm also extremely rough on my bag with no issues. Just came back from Florida and a typical day was going for a run then jumping in the ocean going back to the condo and spending a few hours in the pool. My first big trip since surgery so was a little worried and thought I would change more often but didn't need to. Usually if I feel any irritation I would change.

Mar 18, 2023 2:22 pm

Yea.. that smell.. Geez.. You can't escape it. But it's an indicator something is leaking past the seal.

Check the perimeter every day, too.

You will know the min and max amount of days you can go between changes.

If you are sealed properly, you might get up to 7 days. After that, you are pushing it.

Mar 19, 2023 11:37 pm

7 days! Go for it.

Mysterious Mose
May 25, 2023 5:58 pm

I think there is a lot of different strokes for different folks in this. If I go as much as 7 days, I start having irritation issues. Thus, I have settled on every Tuesday and Saturday. The more frequent changes help keep the skin irritation down. My wound nurse in the hospital told me it was best to change every 3 days. It took me a few months to really see that she was right about that. :-)