Aug 23, 2023 8:49 pm

Doctors,meds and tests - oh my

I recently went to my general practitioner for my annual physical.  I did all the extensive “welcome to Medicare” tests at age 65 vowing that would be the last comprehensive testing I will do.  From that point on I only have blood and urine tested annually to determine the condition my condition is in.  As I have ranted in previous posts, I do not take medication- only 1 B12 1000 mg. chewable each day..  Fast forward to 2020 the year of my stoma at age 76.  Such a disruption in one’s life which was the result of an orange sized cyst on the outer wall of my colon.  Removal of the infected cyst and surrounding right ovary and appendix (all thankfully non-cancerous) I now have an ileostomy which I was told can be reversed.  Altho early on I could hardly wait for that reversal - since life or fate can change directions as to one’s hopes I have now rejected the idea of a reversal.  After all, I am about to turn 80 and I feel great and  have accepted my stoma and the changes it brought about so why would I risk any surgery now?  Long story for short comment I wanted to make.  Which is, my last two blood tests indicated my kidney numbers are elevated to a point where my doc sez I have chronic kidney disease - oh yes, I have heard of it as it seems CKD is the latest buzzword for meds advertised on the ole’ Telly these days- big pharma at its best!   Not to make light of this I shared with the doc I have never been fond of water but I sometimes wonder if my new suspected ailment is a result of dehydration also, a problem for many ostomates.  Of course she wants me to have a renal ultrasound.  I then suggested to her that I will endeavor to drink 3 to 4 bottles (16.9 ounces) of water each day for 1 month to see if my kidney numbers change.  She agreed to my request.  Good news, bad news.  Last week I went for my one month blood draw to determine the results of my watering endeavors.   The doc’s  office called 2 days later (I usually wait at least a week for results) and said kidney numbers are better but I need to cut back to about 2 bottles of water a day as my sodium numbers (which were perfect) have taken a dive!  They want me to come in next week for a blood draw.  Now, I have cut back on water and just the other day, for medicinal purposes I had several handfuls of Chester’s ever so salty puffcorn along with a glass of water 🤪.  I may have this snack for the next week as I return for yet another blood test…..I am quite sure some in the medical profession would want me to have the ultrasound followed by the possibility of invasive exploration followed by filling a prescription for the latest drugs to aid in the fight against CKD for the rest of my life.  Pffffff I rather go for a reversal.   If you’ve read any of my other million posts regarding docs and meds you know that I occasionally get on my high horse about these things… so now I shall dismount and tuck and roll at least for the time being.   I am pretty certain my further action will be - nothing - and if I live to be almost 81 I will have my annual blood and urine tested once again. but I am not sure why.   jb

Aug 23, 2023 8:59 pm

You are a breath of fresh, honest air! Btw, do you know who was the lead vocal on "Just Dropped In To See What Condition My Condition Was In?"

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Aug 23, 2023 9:11 pm
Reply to eefyjig

Kenny Rogers!

Aug 23, 2023 9:17 pm

Hi JB,  If you have an ileo and don't like drinking water, it's no wonder your kidneys were unhappy.  Henry has documented on these pages how he ended up with a bum kidneys due to not drinking enough water in the early days of his ileostomy, back in the bad old days when the medical profession didn't even know that you needed extra water if you didn't have your colon to absorb the stuff.  If you increased your water intake and then saw a corresponding decrease in your sodium levels, welcome to my world.  My sodium levels are always on the low side and I'm constantly having to use extra sodium to keep it up.  I add salt to my water and even have sodium tablets.  Hopefully you will get used to drinking a little extra water every day.  It's just second nature to me now, and I don't even mind the taste of salty water!


Rose Bud 🌹
Aug 23, 2023 9:34 pm

 I have CKD stage 3 with an ileostomy.What doesn't make any kind of since to me is cutting back in your water intake.That's unfortunately why I have CKD (NO NOT even one will get CKD with an ileostomy) some of us don't absorb enough nutrients, water,salt ext..... Anyways I have to drink 5 to 6 bottles of water a day plus take sodium bicarbonate pills to help flush the acid out of my kidneys. AND we are all at risk of getting to dehydrate especially if your output is high.Something doesn't seem right to me BUT I'm not a doctor but even healthy people should drink 4 bottles a day to stay hydrated. AND I know what you mean about the Medicare exams.I just had mine the other day and I'm only 45 and because I'm on disability they made me go in and it ridiculous when your already going to the doctors regularly ...Anyways I hope things get figured out for you BUT I wounder if you should seek a secound option on what they told you.The water intake at least for me have improved my fuction 20% and I'm not taking any Medications made for CKD.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Aug 23, 2023 10:28 pm
Reply to TerryLT

Ding ding ding, you are correct, Terry!

Aug 23, 2023 11:10 pm
Reply to eefyjig

Not a clue- but will now need to Google that shiz to find out ! 🎶🎶🎶

Aug 24, 2023 3:02 am
Reply to TerryLT

Kenny Rogers and The First Edition - 1979 - Yeah, Yeah, Oh Yeah!

Aug 27, 2023 4:16 pm

JB. If you don't like water do what I do, Mix a good dose of Lime Cordial with a Ltr of water and add some salt, about a teaspoon full and drink it down, you do need extra salt when you have an stoma. And you DEFINITELY NEED WATER. Just make the water taste as you want it to taste. Regards IGGIE

Aug 27, 2023 5:05 pm

Thanks IGGIE - I’ll give it a try !