Are Wafer Extensions Necessary for Ostomy Care?

Apr 28, 2024 11:41 pm


I am new to this site and very new to Ostomy. My surgery was an emergency, and the placement of my Ostomy is right in the middle of a roll I have on my abdomen! I have been using wafer extensions. I think I use them as a security, but now my skin is becoming sore and angry where I apply the extensions. How many of you use extensions? And are they really needed? Or should I have faith in my wafer adhesion?

Apr 29, 2024 12:02 am

Are you talking about the barrier strips? If so, you may want to call the different companies and get samples of them. I was allergic to all of them, but I'm allergic to medical tape too.

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Apr 29, 2024 12:24 am

I very rarely use extensions, usually if I want to extend changing my bag for another day(ish). I may have used them 3-4 times in 3 years. They make my skin red/itchy right away, which is pretty much why I never really use them. I have no issues with any brand bag or barrier ring I've tried, but those things do irritate my skin immediately. Does a person need them….🤷‍♂️. You can probably get just as much protection using more skin-friendly tape that others have posted about. I personally don't use anything extra. Good luck, it's all a learning curve.

Apr 29, 2024 4:59 am

Never used them. I know they are good, and some people do need to use them all the time. I'm not knocking them, but as I was told by a nurse, less is best. If you don't need something, don't use it. If your skin is that irritated, you're probably allergic to them, so best to try without them.

Apr 29, 2024 9:15 am

I use wafer extensions out of necessity — my wafer tape border tends to pull away from the top no matter which brand I tried (Coloplast, ConvaTec, Hollister). They do add an extra level of security. There are at least two reasons you can have soreness in the area of the barrier extension:

1) Are you pulling on your skin when you remove the extensions? If so, you may need to use an adhesive removal spray/wipe. Are you removing your wafer too frequently? If you are removing your wafer every 1-2 days, the skin can get very irritated with such frequent changes. Are you keeping your wafer on too long? If you are keeping the wafer on for more than 4-5 days, the extensions tend to break down and leave more adhesive to clean up. I find Hollister extensions adhere very well but can be difficult to remove. Try multiple products to find the one that has the best trade-off between adherence and ease of removal. Remember, when removing the barrier extension, to press down on your skin, not pull up on the extension.

2) You may be allergic to the adhesive used by the extension. Try different extensions such as: Coloplast's Brava Elastic Barrier Strips, Hollister's Adapt CeraPlus Barrier Extenders, ConvaTec's Ease Strips, and Entrust's Crescent Barrier Extension.

You should at least see if you even need an extension — if you can get 4-5 days wear time without an extension, then there is no need unless you are going swimming. You can also add a level of protection by wearing a belt/wrap/ostomy vest/etc.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Apr 29, 2024 10:28 am

As everyone says, obtain samples, try many brands. You can also try 3M Micropore tape from the chemist too, sticks well. I used to use it before the Coloplast Brava elastic tape I use now.

ron in mich
Apr 29, 2024 1:00 pm

Hi Mamalinda, have you tried using a belt instead of using the extenders? That should give your skin a break from the adhesives of the extenders.

Apr 29, 2024 2:06 pm

I loved the Hollister extenders, but they gave me a rash each time, so I had to quit using them. I am allergic to band-aids and some medical tape also.

Morning glory
Apr 29, 2024 2:50 pm

I have used them on rare occasions. I agree with Ben38. Less is best. I got really red and irritated when using them.

Mysterious Mose
Apr 29, 2024 5:03 pm

I concur with everything said here. For many of us, particularly those of a certain age, the role of belly fat seems to be inevitable. If you are not having issues with leaks, I would suggest trusting the adhesive. Although I seldom wear a belt, one can take pressure off the adhesive as your bag fills. There are wafers that are made to deal with pronounced rolls. I think Coloplast makes some. Don't recall the details, though.


Apr 29, 2024 8:48 pm


Are you talking about the barriers that are kind of foamy and half circles when applied? If so, I do use them and they have been a lifesaver for me! That said, I have developed some rashes and redness. When I change the bag, I wash my belly with Domeboro powder mixed in water. So soothing and almost instantly takes the redness away. My belly is indeed very crinkly from the surgery I had when all this started.


Apr 30, 2024 12:46 am

I've had no need to use those as my pouch has a tape collar and holds up very well. I have sampled those extenders by all the manufacturers when I was trying out different bags at the start, but I'm allergic to most of them.

You may want to try bags with a tape collar.

May 02, 2024 3:15 am

Hi MammaJamma,

I was getting ready to start looking into the extensions myself with pool opening season quickly approaching, but my super-cool dermatologist turned me on to a tape called "Cover-Roll Stretch" instead. It's made by Leukoplast and you can get it online easily. It's good because it stretches, so it moves with your skin and doesn't stress it out like non-moveable tape does. I'm a big advocate for the 3M Micropore that Axl mentioned, and used it for a long time. But now it seems my skin has grown a bit tired of it and gets irritated a bit. So far that hasn't happened with the Cover-Roll Stretch, and like the 3M you can get it wet and it doesn't care. Only downside is it only comes in white, not tan like the Micropore, so it's a bit more noticeable if you're a flasher. I don't use the Cover-Roll as an extension... for me it's the actual adhesive that holds my barrier on. I cut the adhesive part of the barrier completely off, then use a really wide thin barrier ring that's as wide as the barrier. Then I slap my barrier over that and put the Cover-Roll in 5 spots around the periphery, leaving a space in between so I can monitor my skin. No complaints with adhesion so far. I also wear a belt and keep it cinched up tight, and if you wear one you have to remember that when you lie down to sleep the belt will loosen and should be retightened for sleep... then relaxed a bit in the morning when you get up.

Most important for you is to get rid of the red irritated skin. It just gets worse with time, so don't push it... let it heal. The Domeboro soaks that Kimmy mentioned work phenomenally. I soak my stoma area for 20 minutes with Domeboro each time I change my barrier and my skin looks brand-new each time. Any generic astringent will do the same... so get you some. Just don't forget to wash off any residue before you try to plunk your barrier on. Let us know how you make out.
