Tonight on the big screen

Jun 06, 2024 2:36 am

It's classic night.  "Forrest Gump" on the silver screen.  Got my small popcorn, peanut M&Ms, and..... Root beer soda.  

Remember:  Ostomy life is like a box of bags, ya always know what you're gonna get.

Jun 06, 2024 3:13 am

Love Forest Gump!!! Enjoy!!

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Jun 06, 2024 5:05 am

Seeing it on the big screen in a theater just makes it a different experience.  Even though I've seen it many times, I really enjoyed it tonight.  

I'll pay for the popcorn tomorrow.....

Jun 06, 2024 8:13 am

Root beer soda... ahhh.  

Jun 06, 2024 10:38 am

The runs, Forrest! The runs!


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jun 06, 2024 1:23 pm

A couple of years ago, when my local movie house began having "classic" night, only a handful of folks showed up.

Now, the theater is nearly sold out. Why? Because Hollywood no longer makes movies with broad appeal. Comparing 2019 (before the pandemic) to movie attendance now, attendance is down 42%. Case in point: the latest MadMax spinoff: Furiosa. Does this flick appeal to me? No. None of the Disney movies over the last few years were of interest to me. Latest Star Wars... phooey.

Hollywood is producing "blockbusters" for a broad audience that doesn't exist. I want to be entertained, not bombarded with "woke" Hollywood fantasy.

After every classic movie I've attended ends, the audience claps. In the lobby afterward, I chat with people about the movie and why classic night is becoming so popular. The crowd is a mix of old and young folks, families, teenagers. They all basically say the same thing: "They are not spending their hard-earned money on movies that don't entertain." They would rather stay home and watch old DVDs.

The next movie I'm going to is the first... Lord of the Rings. Many theaters near me now have classic movie days, so I have many to choose from. Gee, I wonder why.

Jun 07, 2024 8:10 pm

I'm embarrassed to say I've never seen this movie. The only thing I can think of is that I was busy with my daughter, who was a year or two old at that time. I should watch it - it must be streaming somewhere! I'll search this weekend!

Jun 10, 2024 6:59 am

Popcorn and peanut M&M's are a big nope for me and my crazy adhesions. Love the movie though and have seen it many times. :)