4 Months Post Colostomy Reversal Update

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Jul 12, 2024 1:53 pm

Hi friends! Just checking in again 😁

I am now 4 months post colostomy reversal and my God healed me up real well. I don't have any constant pain, but I still do get that stabbing pain in my rectum. That pain now only comes when I am in a sitting position and have to pass gas. For example, when I'm on the freeway in my car, I pass gas and I get that stabbing pain after passing gas and then it goes away. It's not excrucialing, but it does hurt. Sometimes when I have to poop, I have some lower abdominal pain and pressure that goes away when I empty my bowels. I still have some soreness at the stoma site, some days more than others. Sometimes, I get pain on the lower left side of my abdomen, deep in my body. I have come to the conclusion that it's probably where they reconnected what's left of the colon to the rectum and I think it depends on how I sleep and what muscles get pulled while I'm asleep. I try to sleep with a pillow between my legs, but it's not comfortable for me. My pooping habits are normal now, but I do feel that when passing gas, I have to push harder to get it out and have also noticed that while the consistency of my poop is normal, I spend more time trying to empty my bowels than I used to pre-ostomy. I see the GI next month and will definitely be asking about that. Lastly, if I sit too long, my butt bone aches… maybe from the significant weight loss and don't have the cushion I used to LOL. I can sit with my legs crossed now, but after a few minutes, it becomes uncomfortable for me on my inside. It feels like the muscles on the stoma side are pulling, so I don't sit like that for long periods. I walk 4-6 miles daily (broken up, not all at the same time), it's a brisk walk with the abdominal binder on and no pain or tiredness. I feel like I could start jogging, but since I still experience soreness at times, I have opted to wait before running and bouncing my insides around. I feel my physical body has healed well, but I'm still very, very scared to lift anything heavy for fear of developing a hernia again. I have a big, big dog and have finally started to take her hiking with me, but hiking is easy and slow. I am not doing any strenuous exercises since I am still experiencing some soreness. I still have not returned to my normal diet for fear of blockage. This continues to be a huge hurdle for me. I am still dealing with the mental trauma of all of this and, I think I've mentioned it before, but the constant, daily mental anguish, fear and anxiety, was (and continues to be) the absolute worst part for me, by far worse than the physical pain. Therapy is helping some, but I still am so scared of food that I have not gained any of the weight back that I lost. I cannot eat comfortably and without worry or fear. Physically I am doing well, I am continuing to heal and mentally, well… I have lots of work to do there.

Welp, like Porky Pig says, "That's all folks!" 😁 I hope all of you are doing well, enjoying the sun and practicing self-care. Rest, relax and take care everyone! Until next time, be well!

Morning glory
Jul 12, 2024 4:33 pm

Thanks for keeping us all updated. It is understandable that you would be a little sore. You had so much done. I wouldn't risk the lifting either. Are you taking anything for the gas? Great that you are well enough to walk. I have heard it is better to walk briskly than run. It is easier on your joints. Continuing healing prayers.

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Jul 12, 2024 7:17 pm

Thank you, Morning Glory! You're right, I have heard that walking briskly is better than running. Nope, not taking anything for gas because it's not bothersome; I just have to push more than before for my body to expel it.

Jul 12, 2024 8:50 pm

Hi friend, I am so glad to hear you are coming along and things are improving slowly but surely! The mental struggle is real, there is no doubt about that. I do still get some left-sided pain - but I did with my original surgery also, so I feel like it is my 'normal' for the first 6 months following surgery. And I'm not sure how much of it is hernia-related pain, so I'm giving myself time on that. Gas hits a bit differently now as well...but overall, things are good, thankfully. I'm so happy that you are out and about - that is great you can do so much physical activity! I've been lightly walking, but my hernia really holds me back - fear, mainly. I don't want to end up in emergency surgery, so I'll likely be undergoing another planned surgery soon to correct it.

Saw your other reply about the mucus - I read that it can take the body up to a year to adjust after reversal...so I figured since I haven't had any other symptoms, maybe it's just a fluke and my body is still adjusting? I will definitely bring it up to my surgeon if it continues to happen. I did have a colonoscopy in April, so hopefully, the surgeon would have seen then if anything was amiss!

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Jul 13, 2024 12:19 am

MoeMoe, sounds like all is going well. It's been almost a year for me now and I still get twinges of pain, mainly when doing things like splitting firewood, etc., and always over the old stoma site. I often wonder if my core strength will ever get back to what it was after over 30 years working as a stonemason. My wife wants me to stop work anyway, but I do miss it. Wishing you all the best, take care.


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Jul 13, 2024 3:49 am
Reply to Newhere

Thanks, NewHere! Thanks for sharing… I'm starting to think that these pains are here to stay. A year post-reversal and you are splitting wood? That's amazing! It seems like you recovered really well. Congratulations!

Jul 13, 2024 6:05 am

Hey MoeMoe,

Glad to hear you're doing well. Like you, I can't sit on chairs very long. My tailbone gets really sore... lost my padding too.

It takes a long time for the body to adjust. Aches and pains come with it.

Definitely be careful lifting, pulling, or pushing anything too much. Hernias are easy to get, hard as heck to get rid of.

Hopefully, as the months pass, you'll continue to heal and have fewer pains.

Good to hear from you.

Jul 13, 2024 5:37 pm

Hey MoeMoe, you are getting there. I'm sure our bowels don't like being handled and are most likely bruised from the bashings they've taken. Definitely speak with your surgeon, but I guess it's going to take time for all of us. I am super sensitized to any sensations around my stoma and colon in a way I wouldn't have even noticed before my surgery. Hang in there, I'm sure you will continue to improve. All the very best and keep us posted.