Stoma Issues After Colostomy - Swelling and Leaking Concerns

Jul 23, 2024 11:13 am

Four months ago, I had my ileostomy of 3 1/2 years reversed and my parastomal hernia repaired. I had a colostomy moved to my left side. I've had no stoma issues, other than getting the correct shape, until yesterday. My stoma is leaking a watery discharge and it seems to be swollen in places. My output is solid, but my exit hole seems swollen around it. There is no pain, but I'm really scared about the watery bubbles on the inside of my bag. Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone had this happen to them?

Jul 23, 2024 5:18 pm

Leaking? Or is it the mucus stuff that covers your intestine/stoma? Mine drips the liquidy stuff when I'm changing my bag (which I'm guessing is really all the time, but I see it when I change). I presume it's just normal lubricant that we naturally produce.

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Jul 23, 2024 6:17 pm
Reply to AlexT

Thank you for the reply. It just started leaking liquid/mucus like what covers my stoma. It's been doing that since my stoma seems swollen in the area around the exit hole.

Jul 23, 2024 7:08 pm


My colostomy swells up from time to time. I was concerned at first, but eventually, it returns to its normal little self. One time I ate too many nuts at once. Mr Stoma swelled quite a bit... and didn't go down for a couple of days with nothing coming out. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when there was a rather loud "Pop." My wife said, "Is that you?" I took a peek. A huge pancake output filled nearly half the bag. Stoma back to normal size. Nutty, right?

Keep an eye on your stoma. If it changes color, like grey or blackish, go to the emergency room ASAP. Don't go to an Urgent Care place; they are not equipped for ostomy care. Hospital only.

Your stoma will output mucus, water, bits of undigested food, and good old-fashioned poop.

If you get a fever or consistent pain, off to the hospital you shall go.

Relax, keep an eye on it... 2 eyes. 😉

Jul 23, 2024 8:43 pm

It's normal for your stoma to swell and reduce in size, and watery bubbles to me spell gas. You say you aren't in pain, so it sounds like things are probably just fine.



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Jul 23, 2024 11:20 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Thank you for the info. Greatly appreciated.

Jul 23, 2024 11:23 pm
Reply to TerryLT

Thank you, Terry. Nope, no pain at all. Played golf today. Lolol. Omg, gas is probably spot on. Stoma making more noise than usual. Really glad you and everyone else gave me updates and help.

Jul 24, 2024 8:40 am

If you have concerns, it can help to take a picture or video while changing your appliance when you think your stoma is displaying what you think is an issue, and show it to your surgeon.