I had ileostomy surgery in 2023, my gallbladder removed in 2023, and the rest of my large intestine, rectum, anus, etc., in 2024. I contracted a serious infection (M. Abscessus) which is just clearing from the last surgery.
I've always had pain a few inches away from and around my stoma, especially on change days, no matter how gentle I am, but I've always been recovering. We're moving past that, but not the pain. I'm still limping at the end of change day. Now I am having major watery diarrhea and severe pain both around and sometimes as matter comes through the stoma, despite taking 8 Lomotil a day at my GI and surgeon's instructions. I see them next week. I'm not sure I can wait that long. It's so painful first thing in the morning, but especially at night when it drains so much despite the meds.
Doesn't feel like a partial block. Any other experiences?