Drinking Lager with an Ileostomy - Experiences and Advice?

Scott Chance
Jul 02, 2011 9:46 am
Hi all,

I know they tell you to avoid gassy drinks when you have an ileostomy, but a year on, summer has come around and I'm finding myself missing the taste of an ice-cold lager on a hot day!

I hardly drink alcohol since the operation as I find it dehydrates me, but it would be nice to have a cold one every now and then. When I do drink, I drink real ale, which is fine in the winter and spring but not as refreshing as a lager in the summer!

So what are the experiences of other ileostomates? Can you get away with a pint of lager every now and then, or is this a one-way ticket to a noisy stoma and a pouch that expands like a hot air balloon??
Past Member
Jul 02, 2011 11:47 am
Well.....you shouldn't eat fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, beware of popcorn, nuts, coconut, carbonated soda, etc............I say try ANYTHING you like, just in moderation!! There are products such as "GasX" that can be purchased at your local Wal-Mart to help with gas issues..the dehydration won't sneak up on you. I promise, a beer won't cause you to pass out....Just use common sense. Unless you are out and sweating, beware that fluids (especially alcohol drinks) go in and COME OUT quickly for us ileos and can make for a very liquid bag, creating more chance for leakage and public embarrassment. If you're sweating, you tend not to have as much output....BUT that's called dehydration and must be controlled, okay? A little is fine, a lot isn't!!! But there's no reason you can't enjoy "your day in the sun", with everyone else....
Have a great time, BEG
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Jul 02, 2011 2:28 pm
Well, I do drink fizzy drinks, beer, water, whatever I like. I find I don't rehydrate though, and that is something I should do. But 3 litres of fluid a day? Geez, I would be emptying too much. But take a chance, see how you go. Begs, I have had nights out with lots of alcohol and do suffer. But I want to live life. Also, there are ileo gel sachets to use in the pouch. I have heaps of them. It soaks up lots of the liquid output. I don't leave home without them. The problem is, though, they look like tiny sachets of drug powder-like stuff. I eat nearly anything I like. Not saying that I haven't paid the price. Oh boy, I have. So, as Begsy is right, but hey Scott, take the chance. You will find out what's okay and what's not. XXXXX, have a beer for me. Thanks, lol lol x.
Jul 02, 2011 5:05 pm
I'm a 10-year ileo guy and I have everything... lots of fruit, veg. The only thing I'm wary of is mushrooms, for some reason they don't like to come out. And as for going out and having a drink, I do it to excess at times. A night on the drink with the boys, 8 or more tins and a couple of shots too. Pub, 7 or 8 pints, and I'm fine. So long as I'm well hydrated before I go out and a couple of pints of water in the morning, then I'm fine. All I did 12 months after my surgery was find out my limits and now I know them.
I don't really know where this 'ileos's' can't have/can't eat this, that, or the other from. I remember my first meal after my surgery (after being on a fiber-free diet for 7 months) was roast chicken, roast potatoes, carrots, swede, cabbage, cauliflower, cheese followed by a banana split with hot chocolate sauce... it was wonderful.
A couple of drinks now isn't going to make you any more ill than what it did before you were ill. If it feels good, do it... and if it feels wrong, do it twice to make sure...
Jul 03, 2011 2:39 am

I am only a newbie but I have already had a beer and enjoyed it. My stoma nurse said just stick to two rules: drink plenty of fluids and chew chew chew. As far as foods go, she said try it and see, so that is what I am doing.


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Jul 03, 2011 2:58 am

Hung out at the pool on this beautiful day....had 4 beers....I get more gas than usual when I drink beer...but it's certainly not enough of a problem for me to give up the frosties on a hot day!

Jul 03, 2011 4:00 am

Scott Chance,

As the others say... Everything in moderation. Your body will let you know what you can and cannot have and how much.


Jul 03, 2011 10:39 pm

It took a couple of years for my body to tolerate beer again. Actually, it makes me "burp" much worse than expelling gas through the ostomy. Try Beano beforehand (if it is available in the UK.)

Past Member
Jul 04, 2011 1:25 am

I've had my ileo for over 30 years....and never missed a day without a beer (or two). I say do it....enjoy life and your beer(s). I even enjoy popcorn and peanuts....I just make certain I chew the peanuts into little pieces. We have enough problems....and a beer or two a day ain't one of 'em!

Jul 04, 2011 1:55 am

Short and to the point. Try a bit... no problem then try a bit more. Everyone is different. I would ask the doctor though as you may not be able to drink if it can react to meds or cause a flare-up. Or don't drink, act like a fool and no hangover in the morning. So many options we have been given. Life is good! ZZ

Jul 04, 2011 2:41 am
Hi Scott: I have had my ileo for 51 years and eat and drink anything I want now, but, in the beginning there were many things I could not have because they would cause severe diarrhea or gas. I found that as time went on my body adjusted to the shortened digestive tract and I could eat and drink more of the things I liked. That may be the case for you as well, so, start off small and see what happens. If your lifestyle permits it, just try one new thing at a time and see what happens, but, try to do it when you are going to be at home in case things don't go well. If you are worried about gas from having a beer try Beano or Gas-X if they are available where you live. But start off slow with one or two beers and see what happens. Myself, I drink several sodas every day and have no problems with gas at all, that may be the case for you also, just try it and see what happens.
gran pa jim
Jul 04, 2011 5:42 am

Have you tried draft beer?
I have had an ileostomy for 7 years and I always have a draft beer when I eat out 1 or 2 times a week. I have no problems with it.

57 goingon17
Jul 04, 2011 9:51 am
Hi Scott, I had my ileo. in November, as an emergency and took some time to come to terms with it and to learn the do's and don'ts for me. Had many an embarassing moment till I found the right bag for example. I had a blood clot, afterwards and was on Warfarin for a while and therefore didn't have a drink, of alcohol for nearly five months. I remember my first pint of real ale, after I was given the all clear; I was piddled!!
As was said by another mailer we're all different and we all have to learn what our own systems will handle and it is true, as was pointed out by that young lady, in one of your responses that your small intestine will adapt and start to take on some of the work of your missing colon. I'm very lucky in that I rarely have to take loperamide (immodium) to thicken my output and I haven' really seen the point in (in bag) thickeners. I find that pancaking (when my output is too thick and won't run away) has been the cause of all of my leakages and have never had a leak from a bag full of liquid and gas, even overnight after a session with my mate Matt. (A very bad influence.)
I discussed the alcohol issue with my nurse practitioner (if you haven't got one find out if there is one in your gastro dept. She's a great intermediary between me and my specialist. When they're too busy she's not, even when she is, if you know what I mean?)
Anyway, back to the point; I asked her why sometimes I have a lot of fluid in my bag and sometimes none after drinking alcohol on top of the gallon or so of water I drink daily. What I learned was this; firstly drinking lots of water, on a regular basis is good. The body absorbs what it needs and passes most of the rest out in urine and any excess (that is no longer absorbed by the colon) in the faeces. Good hydration is a major factor because dehydration affects the body's ability to (subsequently)absorb water and therefore the worst thing you can do, after a serious bout of dehydration is to drink copious amounts of water as most of it will pass straight through the body, unabsorbed and out into your bag.
As a rule of thumb; if you feel really thirsty you're probably already dehydrated to some extent. Drink water regularly and especially before during and after alcohol and you shouldn't have any major problems.
Secondly what kind of alcohol ? I, quite naturally thought that drinking wine, as it's sold in smaller measures and is, generally consumed in smaller volumes would lead to less liquid output? Wrong! Apparently their is little or no sustenance to be gained from fermented grape products so the body tends to pass it on through, as is. Whereas dark beers, which are generally full of malt and hops and other nutrients are more readily absorbed by the body and therefore produce less waste. That is ones that have been brewed in a natural process and not chemically induced which is where, I'm afraid that most of our regular draught lagers and beers fall down in this country; they have little or no nutritional value.
So the moral is, you are what you drink and if you drink crap then expect 'CRAP.' But, like the man said, the odd one won't hurt. Any more than that then be prepared for a few trips throughout the night. Most importantly drink water regularly and no, I don't have any shares in any of the water companies!!! lol.
I am going into my local hospital tomorrow and having the 'ileo-anal pouch' op. on Wednesday so will, probably have a whole new set of do's and don'ts to learn after that. I'm not exactly looking forward to it and know that there are no guarantees but i'm confidant that if my surgeon does his bit and I do mine then it will all work out well in the long run.
Regards, Keith.
Jul 04, 2011 1:54 pm

I have fizzy drinks and no problem at all.

Jul 04, 2011 8:36 pm

Not a problem, open early for an hour+, pour in a big wide glass before you drink, also put it in the fridge. The carbonation is totally gone but the taste is still there! Enjoy!!!

Jul 06, 2011 12:57 pm

Ileo in Dec 09 ... still trying every now and then with gassy/carbonated drinks. Just does not work for me ... immediate gas with a pressure/bloat feeling that completely negates the awesomeness of the drink. Tried Gas-X and Beano ... doesn't relieve enough.

Sigh ... I do miss my Diet Coke!

Aug 03, 2021 9:42 pm

Hi Scott

A great subject to discuss as summer is peaking! I usually drink wine, however, I met my brother in a London bar two weeks ago and had a long cold beer without any impact on my ileostomy, and I enjoyed it so much, I went back to the bar the next day for another one! Since my surgery, I have always enjoyed the occasional carbonated drink in the summer, usually a coke or a Dr Pepper, which I find is a good energy boost. I usually drink still water, however, this summer, I got into the Italian brand of sparkling water, which I find refreshing, without a salty taste. Do remember, there is a limit to how much fizz anyone can drink in a short space of time before the gas kicks in, even those who are stoma free.

By the way, have you tried any of the fruity-based craft beers? I'm partial to one or two at the weekends, they make a great summer alcoholic drink, without being gassy. Another favorite for me (I discovered in the US) is a cold Blue Moon, with a large slice of orange.

Enjoy your tipples!


Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 29, 2022 4:51 pm

Hi Scott, you never know until you try.....

I have an ileostomy and I drink soda/pop at least once per day, as well as 2 cups of coffee in the morning....

No noticeable smells, etc. Everything is loose until I eat....

Give it a try, enjoy the taste, sit back, relax, and see how you tolerate it...

Everything is great in moderation.

Sip on.
