Do I Need to Declare a Past Urostomy for Travel Insurance?

Apr 12, 2009 1:01 pm
hi members i am david i am going on a cruise and i am just trying to find  out some information i had my surgery over 8 years ago for   a urostomy i have been discharged from the hospital for over 2 years do i have to declare it on my  insurance form thanks
Apr 12, 2009 8:16 pm
Hi David,

If you have any questions regarding whether to "declare or not declare", call the insurance company directly or ask your travel agent.  In my opinion, it's best to be safe than sorry if you have to make a claim.  I work in the travel industry in Canada and it honestly comes down to the country you are in (the laws governing insurance), the travel insurance provider and the travel insurance you are after i.e. cancellation, medical, etc.  The other factor to consider is whether your doctor will say that you are healthy to travel for those 'pre-existing conditions'.  I too am going to be travelling soon but I made sure I discussed/cleared it with my doc and that he put a note on my file so that if I have to make a claim and the insurance company wants to discuss my condition with him, he will be able to say I was healthy and purchased the insurance in good faith.

Have a great trip!

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May 04, 2009 7:31 pm
Hi David      I too have had a Urostomy and was told by my specialist and others to always declare to your insurance company that you have a "pre existing medical condition".  I have had loads of debates and arguments as to whether the British E111 covers this but no-one has the exact answer.  Having been quoted rates of £1,000 (I kid you not) to a couple of hundred I found a company called MIA  or MIAONLINE    I have used them for numerous occasions but my frequent trips are to Europe to visit family - not cruises.   Why not give them a call or go online  or 01268 782745.  Sorry my reply is rather late - been away!!!!!
Jun 01, 2009 3:38 pm
If your in the uk go onto the colostomy association website and follow the links for travel insurance its only about £40 for europe