Understanding the Difference: Iliostomy vs. Colostomy

Apr 12, 2009 5:08 pm
I feel so foolish, as I think I have already posed this question. As I have told you all before I have only had " THE BAG" for 5 months.  I still honestly don't know the difference between an iliostomy and a colostomy. Please someone explain it to me in simple terms. I am not even sure what I had done!!! Thanks, Baba
Apr 12, 2009 5:54 pm
Hello Baba,

To put it simply a Colostomy is when they have used your Colon (large Intestine). An Ileostomy is your Small Intestine. So bascially people with a colostomy still have "solid" stool, whereas people with an ileostomy will have more liquid stool.

Hope this helps.....Good luck with everything  

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Apr 12, 2009 5:57 pm
Hi Baba:

If you can provide a little information on the issue leading up to your surgery, disease history, which side the stoma is located, what your output is like (liquid or loose, solid or semi-solid, etc.), how many times you empty your pouch, that would give good info. Or...ask your doctor...

Either type of stoma can be temporary or permanent.

Colostomy: an opening in the colon (also known as the large bowel or large intestine), stool can be anywhere from mush to formed and in between, depending on where in the colon they opened it on the abdomen. A colostomy stoma can be either on the right side or the left, or along the belt line if transverse colon. Reasons for a colostomy vary; colorectal cancer is the most frequent cause; Crohn's is a possible reason. Ruptured diverticulum (from diverticulitis), sometimes done for stool incontinence, and a few other reasons. Most folks will have to empty their pouches 1-5 times/day depending on where the opening was created (the farther away from the rectum, the looser and more frequent the stool). It is possible to be constipated.

Ileostomy: an opening in the small intestine (usually the distal end) most frequently done for ulcerative colitis (and the entire large intestine i.e., colon removed), sometimes Crohn's, sometimes a temporary ileostomy to allow a bowel reconnection to rest or heal. Typically, the stoma is on the right side of the body but could also be placed on the left. Stool character is usually at best cream of wheat type consistency, though most will have liquid or loose stools on and off, depending on what they eat, where in the small intestine the opening was made, and the disease. Most folks will need to empty their pouches 7-9 times per day typically. Constipation should not be an issue, and if no stool for several hours, it would be suspicious for a food blockage or other intestinal issues; accompanied usually by pretty severe pain; a trip to the emergency room warranted.

Hope this gives you a little information. The best thing to do would be to ask your doctor, but if you provide the history of why the surgery, what they told you, we can probably figure it out.
Apr 14, 2009 1:40 pm
I obviously have had an iliostomy and manythanks for your answers..Whoa--you are amazing and I am so impressedthat you take the time to help us and answer our questions. My stoma ison the right side and my stool consistency is usually mushy, but attimes very liquidy. I have to empty at least 8 or more times during a24 hour period. I have a little gel pack (comes 100 to a bag) and theyseem to help a lot with thickening up and with odor. I again want totell you how happy I am with this web site and for all of you. Baba
Apr 15, 2009 5:42 am

Hooray, mystery ended!!  You are very welcome, glad to help.

Was curious to know what led up to your ileostomy?  Hopefully you have an ostomy nurse at your hospital that did the surgery  if you have any skin or appliance issues  with your stoma.  

A good site for general ostomy  information:  www.uoaa.org

On the left hand side of the page, there is a column, click "ostomy info", it will bring you to a page, scroll down, and you will find Ileostomy...can read or print out the document for future reference.  It is pretty inclusive...maybe needs a little updating but good reading.  There are some other good things to read around the site too.   You may be able to get a free copy of The Phoenix magazine  (they used to have that offer, not sure if still current)....pretty inspirational stories and keeps you updated on new products, great other information.

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