New Member Sharing Ileostomy Journey and Seeking Support

Jan 06, 2012 8:09 pm

Hello to all you wonderful people. I have been in the background reading everything on this site. I have learned so much, and now see that I am "normal" in my reactions and process to my ileostomy.

For me, emergency operation due to blocked small bowel, ruptured diverticulitis, and perforated/abscessed colon, and all of it was adhered. 5 years ago, I had a colon resection due to repeated hospitalizations for diverticulitis. 8 weeks ago, this surgery. The surgeon saved my life but didn't fix problems, couldn't even get to the perforations. I have a specialist now who basically said it's a disaster in there! Lol. In April, I go back in for a 10-hour surgery...with probable colon removal. He can't say if he can hook the small intestine to the rectum, or have a permanent ileostomy. Many more tests and healing to do. I am hopeful that even if he can't reverse me, that he can move the stoma to a better spot. It's level with my navel, right in the crease where you bend, etc.

I lost my husband one year ago, so this happening is a double whammy...but, I will the song says.
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I'm grateful for this forum, and everyone in here. Thanks for listening.

Past Member
Jan 06, 2012 8:49 pm

WOW......First, I'd like to say that I'm so-o-o sorry for the loss of your husband. I can't imagine the courage, willpower, and determination it would take to overcome such tremendous adversity, as you've been confronted with in only a year! Not only are you an incredible inspiration, but I think you've certainly earned more than an "Honorable Mention" in the "Super Hero" category!!! ............................................................................

Please know that I wish you blessings of comfort in your loss, the best possible outcome with your upcoming surgical challenges, and the "speediest" of recoveries!!! With your wonderful outlook, courageous and unbelievable fortitude, the sky is the limit for you!!!

I so-o-o admire your spirit, my friend
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  38,669 members
Jan 07, 2012 1:05 am

My dear lady,
You should not have waited so long to "make yourself known." Everyone here will wish you well, and you will always find a sympathetic ear. I too, am sorry for your loss.
God bless and get well.

Jan 07, 2012 4:40 pm

Hello Laura, Welcome to the club. Sorry you are having troubles. When I read about other people's troubles, mine seem small in comparison. I have learned so much by reading other people's experiences. And there are so many caring and thoughtful people on this site to give you support. Good luck and keep us all informed with your progress.
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Past Member
Jan 07, 2012 6:57 pm

Hi Laura, sorry that you had a loss of your hubby, and all that's happened to you. I hope you find friendship here with all these wonderful people, who do and will support each other. I for one am grateful for having found this site. I do hope all goes to plan. Please keep us updated with your progress. Tc, ambies.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jan 07, 2012 7:10 pm

Hello Laura, and nice to see you come out from the background, nice approach. There is a wealth of information on this site, and other than myself, there are great people too! Welcome and enjoy.

Past Member
Jan 07, 2012 8:46 pm

Welcome along, Laura. Your story certainly puts mine in its place. Like Donna has already said, we all have learned so much by reading each other's journeys. It really helps put everything in perspective. I know you'll find lots of wonderful people here, and I don't think I'd be where I am today without them. Take good care, Colm

Jan 08, 2012 8:31 pm
Thanks for the welcome!
Jan 09, 2012 1:10 am

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  Hey Laura, and welcome to the club, the Club of Hardknocks. Sometimes I'm glad you have popped into the forums, and maybe we can get into general chat (which can be a challenge) with timelines from all parts of the world. And yeah, we do learn from others. I don't feel like, "Oh, I feel better now; someone is worse off." My pain isn't someone else's life; it's mine, and hell, some people on here have been through hell, and we all have our own hell and the good times too. We are all the same, same but different. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hope all goes well for you, Darlz. moozeeee x x x x

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Past Member
Jan 09, 2012 1:31 am
mooza, I've missed you lately... good to see you again.  

Welcome, Laura.

Jan 10, 2012 6:08 am
Hello Laura, what a time you have had! I admire your great attitude and I admire your coping skills. I have had a permanent ileostomy since 1988; sometimes it's a rough road to health but I believe you will feel quite a bit better after your upcoming surgery. And yes, I definitely recommend a stoma revision, you'll be much more comfortable with a properly placed stoma.

Keep us posted,

Jan 10, 2012 3:46 pm

Hello Laura, I too have an ileostomy with my stoma in a very bad spot, but it will be 2 years in April, and I am so grateful that my pain is gone and my "BB" (stoma) and I have come to an agreement of sorts, so I am accepting my new lifestyle much better. I am in Virginia, and I go to a small support group at times; it does help. If you ever need to talk, we are here. I need to change my name; I am no longer a newcomer...LOL
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Past Member
Jan 10, 2012 6:35 pm

Hi new, well here's a suggestion for a new name: how about "Upgraded"? LOL. Having a bit of fun, now you may be bombarded with ideas. LOL. Take care, Ambies.

Jan 10, 2012 6:58 pm

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Aww, hey Carol, I have been battling a recurring sore - ulcer right on the edge of my flange thingy. It's a real pain in the arse. Second time it's come back. Yeah, I guess I missed you too, darl. So, hey, what's been going on with you, darling? What's up with you, or not up with you? Hehehahaha LOL

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It's nearly 6 AM here in Melbourne. Crap summer so far. My hernia's been shitting me up the wall. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The sore thingy started off as a small pimple, got bigger, thought I sorted it out, and BAM! My hernia, the whole thing, looked like I was out getting a rotten red burn. argggggggggggggggggggggggggggg xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks, Carol. My sister is a Carol too, or Cazz, I call her. Hope you're doing well, sweetie pie. Heheheh, it's way too early for me. I'm at my naughty time. HAHA. See ya xx

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Oh yeah, the two hernias ain't no help either. Bugger.
Jan 11, 2012 6:29 pm

Well, I had cancer. Then, as I was getting over it, I lost my husband. Years later, I had a burst appendix! Two serious operations later, I have a urostomy bag, but God knows where we get the strength to carry on. I think the saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is so true. Good luck.

Jan 17, 2012 5:48 pm

With your name, Laura, you will survive! My name is also Laura, and I have survived so many cancer surgeries I don't have much more inside me to get cancer again! I also have an ileostomy (4-11). Stay with this site; it is so encouraging and offers lots of information. Best of health to you—Laura.