Dating with a Colostomy: When to Share?

Mar 06, 2012 4:44 am

I am interested in dating. But when is it the right time to tell somebody that you have a colostomy? I just want to know what some people's thoughts are or give me some advice.


Mar 06, 2012 6:52 pm

Since you have no replies, I think right after sex and just before the chloroform wears off completely is a good time......

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Ok, now that I have your attention... I usually wait until about the third need to inform the whole world about it, and you should know by then if you are interested in going further.
You might mention that you have a "secret" or something to that effect at the end of the second date...that will give any woman time to think about any and every possible "thing" you might have to tell them. This will sometimes cause them to accept a physical flaw with relief when they find out you haven't been to prison or aren't a serial killer, etc.
Please keep in mind the above is just my opinion....

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Good luck.
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Mar 06, 2012 7:26 pm

I have the same problems regarding dating. I've signed up on a dating website where I can be as upfront as possible, and you'd be surprised how many women are understanding about ileostomies. I've found it takes a lot of pressure off me.

Past Member
Mar 17, 2012 7:37 am

There is no easy answer about the timing, but one thing that may determine how it goes is your own feelings about your colostomy. The chances are that your date will not have come across this before. When you tell her, she will probably not know how to react, so she will be subconsciously looking to you for clues. If having the colostomy bothers you, then she will pick up on it being a problem and it will probably bother her. If you feel comfortable with it, and she can see that it is not a problem for you, then the odds are that if she is in the least bit interested in you, it won't be a problem for her.

Perhaps before you go on a date, try telling a few friends or workmates who don't know, then you will feel comfortable disclosing it. Good luck!

Mar 18, 2012 9:59 pm

Just make 100% sure that you know this person will become a part of my life, or you start dating an ostomo-man... I've only told a few, but I am almost at the point where I really
don't care who knows, it's the new Penny...


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Dec 03, 2013 10:34 pm

I have had my ileostomy for almost 26 years. It was my 17th birthday present, and I could not have been happier to get it. I got my life back!
My experience in the dating realm, with an ostomy, has taught me a thing or two. There is no magical date number to inform someone. I typically go about the fourth...only because, by the third date, I have a decent idea if I want to invest more of my time in the person. That seems to be my pattern.
I have also realized that it really doesn't matter when you tell someone, most people either are, or are not, the type of person that can accept an ostomy. No amount of time getting to know someone better seems to change that much. That's not what I believed in the beginning. I do not say that with bitterness at all...I have had both good and not so good experiences.
My truth is this, I have an ostomy, I am grateful for it, and if a person sees that as a deal breaker, then they aren't really the person for me anyway.

I don't really care who knows or not...
Be happy with what you have in this moment, don't wait for what ifs or your life, and be happy, and you will attract others that do the same.

Good luck!

Sondra, 42, Hamilton