Should I See a Specialist After Tripping Over My Dog?

Mar 20, 2012 7:05 am
about hour ago the dog got under my feet and i fell triped and fell on stomach stoma a bit sore but not bleeding ,do i get the ostomy lady ro check it tom or just see what happens not dog fault she is only 2 and purse material
Mar 20, 2012 4:55 pm

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  If you're worried about it you can have it looked at but personally I cannot count how many accidents I've had with my stoma, I've had my ostomy since I was age 10 and have been hit smack in the stoma with a Softball when I played on a team, I've fallen on it, I've had dogs accidentally jump up and paw it, I've had all sorts of things happen that DID make it bleed and pain but it was fine, those stoma's are actually quite durable lol

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  I am still an extremely active person and quite honestly don't worry about it much.  I hurt it yesterday when carrying heavy boxes down from the attic and it's sore for awhile but no big deal.  If it bleeds and doesn't stop or the pain doesn't ease up go in, but I am sure you'll be fine......give your doggie a hug for me xoxo
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Mar 21, 2012 8:06 pm
Wounded Doe,

Excellent advice!!