On April 18 I went in for my surgery. I am left with about six inches of healthy colon, lysis of major adhesions (again), four anastomotic sections, and reversal of ileostomy. Thankfully I had epidural this time! Three days after surgery I threw a pulmonary embolism, so epidural came out and all the various protocols for that started. Hospital stay of 10 days. So happy to be home and in my bed. Lol. Hurts like all get out, trying to balance walking enough with rest".......and I am not good at that! Even with the discomfort and exhaustion I do have to say that I feel healthier inside than I have for the past six months. I still reach for the bag, feels weird. I am happy to have this reversed, but also realize that my future may hold it for me again. I learned so much on this forum. Thank you all....... And I still come on here to read nd occasionally post.

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