Tips for tucking shirts with belts?

Jul 15, 2012 4:18 am

Ok, I am having a heck of a time here.. How do you guys out there wear jeans or slacks with a belt and your shirt tucked in? I have fought this long enough... I gotta know.. I feel like a slob with oversized t-shirts worn outside my britches just to cover my bag... And tucking it in when I wear jeans and slacks with a belt just isn't working...

Past Member
Jul 15, 2012 10:51 am

With slacks, you might do better with suspenders.

With jeans, I don't worry about tucked or untucked as much.

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Jul 15, 2012 3:00 pm

The T-shirt tucked into jeans is days gone by for me. I need camouflage, so I either wear my T-shirt out of my pants (jeans) or wear an overshirt that I can leave outside my pants. I have a few Tommy Bahama shirts that look great in the summer.

For winter wear, I find I can wear a T-shirt and a shirt, like a jean shirt, tucked in and things don't show.

Fashionista I am not!

Good luck!

Jul 15, 2012 3:27 pm

To me, loose jeans are a must. I also like the belts that stretch, like bungee cords. I have even seen leather braided belts like this, so don't assume that they won't stretch just because they are made out of leather. These belts are sometimes hard to find, so anytime I go by a belt rack, I always stop and check for them and stock up if I can. Of course, I suppose a lot of it depends on stoma location. Mine is right below the belt line, and I find that a two-piece system helps the belt from sliding down as much, since I'm on the thin side. Also, you might want to search for some pleated jeans, that obviously are a little dressier, but still jeans. Right after surgery, I started wearing bikini briefs, since they would ride under the faceplate, but now prefer boxer briefs, which gives me one more layer of sound absorption, for those times that the stoma wants to make some noise. Some athletic underwear can help hold things "flat" but make sure they aren't too tight, since that could obviously cause another set of issues much worse.
Hope some of this helps.

Jul 15, 2012 4:25 pm

Good question, Arch. Here are a few things I do. In the summer I wear shorts, mostly cargo, with a polo shirt or t-shirt worn outside that fits fairly snug all around the waist. Nothing shows. I don't always button the shorts because they will stay up on their own. I like wearing Dockers long pants with the expandable waist which gives me more flexibility. Dockers also makes stretch belts in various colors which work really well. I wear jeans mostly in the cooler weather with suspenders. I think suspenders might make you look older but I wear a zippered sweatshirt which covers them up nicely, even when open. Additionally, I wear low-rise briefs where the waistband is well below my flange. This serves 2 purposes: no pressure under the flange to pry open the bag, and no extra clothing around my waistline. Finally, lighter weight pants are easier to hold up than heavy jeans. Consider that when making purchases. Good luck and be sure to keep your pants on! PB

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Jul 16, 2012 11:42 am

Archer, interesting question!! I think much of our related issues have to do with body type, stoma placement, and our current weight situation. I know from my own experience that being overweight, even slightly, causes my ostomy site to protrude more than when my weight is normal. It is also affected by your body type, primarily whether or not you have a long or short torso. Myself, I have long legs and a shorter torso, so it looks like I have my pants hiked way up sometimes depending on the type of clothing I wear. My stoma site sits just above my waist, which is not ideal in terms of where I can wear my pants, but I find that being slim makes it more comfortable and easier to make adjustments as opposed to trying to fight with the bulge of a belly. I know that's a fight we all have, and there is no easy solution. Just work with what you have and try not to compare yourself to others.

Being a whole person has nothing to do with how many parts you are missing but has everything to do with how you regard yourself as a person. Keep your chin up and have a great day....every day.

Jul 16, 2012 6:13 pm
Lots of good information here, I'll tell you what I have to do, as my stoma is right on my belt line and I seem to have a gut that expands whenever it feels like it. A couple of years ago I bought some underwear from Comfiz, In Ireland and they worked pretty well but just in the last few weeks my wife was at a Walmart out of town and found nearly the same thing at a third of the price, these underwear rise above the flange so when I raise or lower my jeans they don't get caught on the flange. I also wear suspenders and a belt, my vest does a good job of hiding the suspenders and I'm always adjusting the belt to how much my stomach has expanded. But I must say the high rise underwear from WalMart really does the best job for me. Take care all, Ed
Jul 17, 2012 4:23 am

My stoma is just above my belt line and I have a big gut. There's no way I'll be tucking in my shirts. To do so would mean suspenders and hiking my pants way up high, which would look a bit ridiculous and would likely be uncomfortable. I wear long shirts that are not tight fitting. Days of tucking in my shirts are behind me.

Jul 22, 2012 3:14 am

I've had my urostomy for a year now and wear a Stealth Belt every day. It keeps my pouch above my waistline/belt and keeps the pouch close to my body so it isn't obvious I'm wearing one. I don't typically tuck in my shirts unless I'm wearing dress pants with a dress shirt, but it works when I do. Google Stealth Belt....Good luck!

Jul 22, 2012 3:52 am

I would agree, it is hard to dress without looking like I just came from a Jimmy Buffet concert every day!! Although that is OK with me, I used to live in Florida and seen a few Buffet concerts. I have been trying to wear jeans from time to time, but I have lost some weight and I need to wear a belt, and the belt pushes against my bag. Catch 22. I wear scrub pants most of the time, not stylish but comfortable. I still have to leave my big baggy shirt hang below the belt and bag line, it does suck. I'm not a suit and tie guy, but it would be nice to tuck my polo in once in a while.

Jul 25, 2012 5:22 am

All great suggestions and advice.... Thank you all....
I like the idea of suspenders .... Well kinda.. but after checking some out online I find quite a selection of styles...
I am a machinist and wear jeans and a belt every day... I cock the belt buckle off to the left and my bag hangs on the right ... I wear a t-shirt ... outside the pants ... that works ok... for work cause it ain't a beauty contest after all.. but I guess I am old school about tucking the shirt... Especially when going out for the evening and etc.... It just looks neater in my eyes... So I think the suspenders for now I will try....
Also, being a machinist, I have been experimenting with a design of an add-on to the belt that is bowed out enough to clear the pouch and stoma but will be unobtrusive but will allow me to tuck and still let the bag hang.... Using various gauges of stainless that will have a band inside the pants with clips that hook under the belt on the outside to keep it in place... Some success but not there yet... The problem will be it is custom for me and to market such a thing there would be too many variables since we are all "stoma'd" differently.. Oh well, I will keep at it.....
Thanks again, guys, for the ideas ... It is appreciated.

Aug 01, 2012 3:24 am
Hi Arch,

Most of us are in the same boat. Personally, when I'm with the Cub Scouts, I feel I need to be a role model. The executive director of Boy Scouts said I have a medical condition that I do not have to tuck my shirt in, but unless I have a big neon green sign on my back, I get flack when I go to council functions. I have two solutions. First is the active stoma guard from Stomaplex. I wear this and then tuck, and wear a belt. The plus here has been "hanging with the guys" - someone inevitably fakes or even hits you in the gut. That puts me to the floor. I had a six-year-old put me in the hospital one day for punching me right in the stoma. Now I use a brass plate and more people are aware. Second is for dress and formal occasions, I have dress pants with button-hooked suspenders. I have gone to a men's store who tailor.

Ideas for you.
Past Member
Aug 01, 2012 6:20 am
G'day Arch,

I have been stuck with the same problem for the past 9 years. One of your respondents has suggested suspenders (In Aus we call them braces). This was the only solution for me. I have a collection of plain color suspenders/braces to go with the various shirts that I use. If I am dressing casual, summer shorts, I mostly wear the polo style shirt and wear it outside the shorts. If dressing for evening then it is braces over the top of the shirt which is tucked in and if a jacket is appropriate (It can get very hot in Sydney during summer) then the braces are hidden anyway. I do have the added problem of a peristomal hernia and the stoma is right where I would wear a belt. My car seat belt crosses exactly over the stoma which is a cause of concern but I will not travel without using a seat belt. I had them in my cars long before they became mandatory. They were light aircraft belts, lap only because sash types were not yet available. Now lap belts are a bit of a problem. I don't wear jeans at all, I am an old man (79) and I guess dress like an old man!!!
Aug 01, 2012 12:42 pm

Hey guys, I work in the restaurant industry and wear an apron all the time, so it looks like my shirt is tucked in all the time. I am always looking for ways for my stoma not to show. I purchased a stealth belt but it just made me look thicker around the waist. Then I was looking at a magazine from International Male. They had shapewear underwear. They have underwear that has like a 5 1/2-inch stretch waistband that covers my stoma and bag. This works great! You can hardly see that I have a stoma at all. I have also cut the band off the underwear and wear it with regular underwear. It really works. Also, for swimming, I bought a pair in black and had snaps put in the shapewear and a bathing suit so the band of the shapewear covers the bag and the bathing suit stays up.

Aug 01, 2012 1:37 pm

This information is for archerb55 and the rest of you guys who need to tuck in your shirts. I have come up with an ostomy bridge, that I use every day of my life. My employer has a fairly strict dress code and a shirt not tucked in is simply not acceptable there. This thing works, I wear it every day, it is comfortable and almost undetectable unless someone knows you have a stoma and looks for it. Let me know if you have any interest and I will get the necessary information back to you.

Aug 01, 2012 2:01 pm

Great Lester, post the info and we can all benefit!! Sounds like an interesting solution.

Aug 01, 2012 5:40 pm

Feeling like a slob is just a feeling. I am a slob, but I never feel like one. I never tuck my shirt in. I've been fat all my life and it was hell in elementary school when teachers almost always required that a shirt be tucked in, not to mention all the other tortures we went through as kids).

Here's a suggestion, though. Wear a bow tie and use suspenders (braces, if you will) and wear your trousers nice and loose! How's that? You do wear a sports coat or a suit coat, don't you? I've found that loose sweaters work better than anything, though. But not in the summer under any circumstances here in Arkansas.

Oh, and wear those pants like a real old man and put the waist up above your belly buckle (navel, for those of you who never read Walt Kelly -- Pogo).


gran pa jim
Aug 01, 2012 9:49 pm

I found a wonderful company called They make a men's ostomy wrap, which is a wrap with a kangaroo-type pouch. The back goes inside the pouch, and it wears like a girdle. I wear mine over my men's briefs, and it has several advantages: it keeps the bag from skin contact, keeps it from moving, and looks good under your clothes. I wear mine 24/7. It is great to sleep in as the bag will not move when you turn. Also, when I am working out at the gym, people never know I have an ostomy unless I tell them. The only negative about this product is the cost - $30.00 for one, not covered by insurance. Hope this helps.

Aug 02, 2012 1:43 am

Those days are gone forever, dude. Get used to it. For 4 years, I have been wearing pants or shorts with expandable waistlines and shirts over them. Threw out all jeans and dress pants. My bag is right on my waistline. Face it...we ain't gonna be bangin' Britney Spears anytime soon with a sh*t bag hanging off our bellies!

Past Member
Aug 02, 2012 11:34 am
would do me regardless...
Aug 02, 2012 1:32 pm

I found wearing the support garments by Omnigon makes a real difference. It allows you to wear jeans and belts without people knowing you have a stoma.

Take a look at their products. I am not sure if your insurance in your countries covers these products though.

I hope that helps.

Aug 05, 2012 9:38 pm

I'm not a guy but I have had similar problems when I try to tuck in a shirt or wear close-fitting clothes. I got a tip from someone on this website a couple years ago and it has worked well for me. Fold the top part of your bag down and tape it to itself. This changes the shape of the bag and holds down the area that tends to "balloon" up from a belt or the waist of your jeans. I have an ileostomy so my bag is right at my waist and is pretty active and this has worked for me. No one sees it. I use paper medical tape. Give it a try!

Aug 05, 2012 9:52 pm
Ok, this is so simple I must ask myself "Why didn't I think of that?" Excellent tip!!
Aug 08, 2012 4:33 pm

Yeah, good idea. I do tape it up for short periods to get the bag out of the way. I don't know how well it will hold up to ballooning up like it does. LOL I wake up sometimes and I got this massive bulge under the blanket... I get that a lot. Thank you, I'm still learning to live.

Past Member
Aug 08, 2012 5:10 pm
I get that at night from gas and I honestly believe that one night I am going to wake up and find myself floating belly up about three inches over the bed!    LOL
Aug 08, 2012 5:51 pm

Suze, that's funny, it might help if you find yourself falling in your dreams LOL.. I get up and try to get out of bed and find that I have trouble bending even just a little. I look down and think, I have a jellyfish latched on to my side!

Aug 10, 2012 12:03 pm

This is a question I have been pondering since my wife drove me home from the hospital a year and a half ago. I went the suspenders route and it has been "OK". Actually, I hate wearing the things but they have been the best solution so far. I went online and bought expensive ones and I went to Walmart and bought the cheapest one. So far, the Walmart solution has been just as good as the high-price ones.
There is one site that offers all-plastic suspenders that will get you through airport security. This was a good solution until the technology shifted and now any kind of suspenders will give you an "anomaly" that counts against you, but that is a post on a different topic.
One thing I did that was a BIG help was to cut all of the adjusting hardware off of the suspenders. Once I had worn a pair a week or so to get the fit right, I just marked where the straps should be attached and sewed them to the buckles that attach to your pants. This eliminates all the bumpy stuff and makes them much more discreet.
I have also sent off for a Kevlar cover that is held on by a belt and fits over the stoma and pouch attachment point. The guy that makes them says that they will allow me to get back into my tucked-in tee and polo shirts. I have not received it yet but when I do and if they work as promised, you can bet I will be back here to tell the world about them. At least for me, being able to dress as I used is a big factor in how I feel about the world in general. It's not so much about what the world might think of how I look, but more about just "being me".
Again, I promise to let you know how it works out.

Aug 19, 2012 9:09 am
Hello Archerb55.

Thanks for this question which is obviously of interest to many people.

I had this concern for a while and as I have a hernia behind my stoma it seemed like there might not be a solution.  At first I wore full length working overalls which are both comfortable and eliminate any of the waistline problems.

I note from one of your posts that you are a machinist so do you not wear such overalls for work?   I like wearing these because it makes me look as though I work for a living and am a productive member of society rather than a writer & 'poet' - which some people feel is not productive or worthwhile in the same practical sense.

Long after the operation when my waistline started getting back to near it's 'normal' size I started experimenting with devices that would surround my stoma and compress my hernia.

After dozens of tries I've now shaped a couple of devices that work well for that and simultaneously act as a hernia prevention belt. Because they pull the whole waistline in slightly I have no trouble in wearing shirts tucked in. All the clothes that I had before the operation can now be worn with confidence.  This includes suits, shorts, pants etc.

My stoma is right on the belt-line but this doesn't seem to matter as the devices are solid and the belt simply lodges itself right over it and acts as another form of additional hernia belt as well as holding up my trousers.

It should be said that I irrigate and wear a plug, so it is easier for me to make devices that don't bother with the problems of drainage.  However, I have seen a very similar device to that which I made, which does allow for drainage into a bag.  ( Sorry, but I can't remember now where I saw it.)

I hope these remarks are useful

Best wishes

Past Member
Oct 30, 2012 5:01 am

I have taken to using the Phoenix ostomy support system. It is a fabric belt that goes around your abdomen and you turn your bag sideways to tuck it into the belt. Their website is They are $50 but some insurance companies will pay for them. They have made it comfortable for me to tuck in my shirt when working and people don't notice them.

Oct 30, 2012 4:05 pm
Ok, what is a Kevlar cover? I googled it but got army helmet stuff, lol, not what I am thinking would work.
So, did you get it yet? It's October 30th, how is it working for you?