Recovery Time and Hospital Stay After J Pouch Surgery

Oct 08, 2012 8:38 pm
I am having j pouch surgery tentatively early next month and am wondering how long it will take before the pain from surgery gets better and how long before they'll let me leave the hospital?  Anyone willing to share experiences on this?

Oct 10, 2012 12:36 pm
It all depends on if there are any complications, what your health is before going into surgery, how long it takes for your digestive system to wake up after surgery, etc.

For me, I think I was out of the hospital in 3-4 days, but I REALLY pushed myself.

You can expect pain to last for 4-6 weeks before it starts to really diminish, but it does get better every day.  One thing I can tell you is do *not* hesitate to take your pain meds- while you still might be in pain while taking them, I tried stopping them all together because I felt great, and was trying to hurry up to get out of the hospital- BIG mistake. (I decided I didn't need to push the button any more and ended up taking my roll along stuff to the elevator, down the first floor of the hospital and take a walk outside... was NOT ready for all that!)

I had my first of 3 surgeries in 2005 (total colectomy and j-pouch), 3 months later my take-down and almost 3 years to the month, had the j-pouch removed and permanent ileostomy.

The single most important piece of advice I can give you is to be kind and patient with yourself- do *not* push yourself too hard/fast...

Best of luck to you!

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