Question about emptying Coloplast pouch sideways

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Nov 28, 2012 7:36 pm

In a discussion about wearing one's pouch sideways, one of the main concerns I saw was how to empty the pouch when it didn't hang straight down. People who use Coloplast kept saying it's easy; they just "unlock" something on the flange and "spin" the pouch. I've been trying to picture the mechanism they are describing and am not sure I have it right. Is it that the pouch sits somewhat loosely over the flange, allowing it to be rotated 360 degrees without separating from the wafer, until something clamps it down? If it is really so much easier to use a Coloplast system sideways for this reason, I think I'll look into getting some samples from them. But if I'm completely misunderstanding then I won't bother, because I am otherwise happy with the Hollister products I have been using.
Thanks everyone--Natalie

Nov 29, 2012 2:49 am

I had always heard to wear the bag vertically. But I have tried the Coloplast supplies. What they're talking about is you attach the bag around the wafer opening and lock it in place, unlike Hollister and Convatec brands where you snap it on in place. It is easier to attach the bags, but I've had the best luck with Convatec brand. Call for samples - I just didn't find them comfortable. Hope this helps...

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Nov 29, 2012 11:07 am
Hello theluckyfrog.  When I was wearing bags I tried the Coloplast ones and found them pretty easy to use. It's always best to get samples for yourself as what will suit one person may not suit another.

Best wishes  Bill
Dec 01, 2012 12:55 am
Hey Natalie, I would get some samples and see what you think. I am a fan of Coloplast myself. There are also ostomy belts that help protect the stoma for the outdoor life, such as the Stealth Belt. I think it requires you to put the bag sideways when wearing the belt.
Dec 01, 2012 12:33 pm
Illistration of locking ring:,r:3,s:126,i:125

Pouch with ring attached photo link:,r:12,s:76,i:375

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

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Dec 01, 2012 6:28 pm

I use Coloplast and the only thing that spins when you unclick the locking mechanism is the locking mechanism.

Dec 10, 2012 4:30 pm

I use the Coloplast two-piece system with a locking device. I wear it sideways. I was told it could be turned to dump, but I found it too hard to twist it up and down. I have no problem emptying it when it is sideways though. I also tried the Hollister two-piece sideways. It worked for me this way also, but I had trouble getting my fat fingers in the end to wipe out.
The Coloplast has a larger opening. I have an ileostomy, so my discharge isn't too thick and empties out easily. If it gets a little too thick, I drink some juice and that takes care of that. I think you just have to get samples and try them different ways to find out what works for you. Good luck.

Dec 14, 2012 1:18 am

Thanks, everybody. I think I'm gonna go ahead and get those samples, whether or not the flange works quite like I heard. Always good to have options.
