Life After Emergency Ileostomy Surgery

Jul 14, 2024 12:50 pm

Reversal Desperation Novel

Loop ileostomy, hernia, and reversal candidate here. All as a result of emergency surgery to remove a cancer-free cyst on the outside of my colon. No other bowel issues in my life. I say all this because I realize how very lucky I have been and totally understand those who have suffered with so many different issues resulting in pain and surgeries. These are indeed the true warriors... and understandably will comment on how happy they are to sport a stoma. Sadly, we all have our burdens to bear. Mine was not the case and I do not mean to sound ungrateful as I am most thankful for my full life.

I felt compelled to write this as, for some, a reversal is possible and they frequently question others for their opinions. The following novel is what happened to me.

Many of us happened into this journey with no prior knowledge of this major life-changing event. At least that was what happened to me. Within a short time of surgery, I was told reversal is possible. That statement alone was a gigantic carrot or more like a gigantic Hershey bar dangling right before my very eyes!!!

WARNING - as always - we are all different and colostomy, ileostomy, and loop ileostomy reversals may differ greatly. I know nothing of urostomy.

Personal experiences have allowed me to realize the truth in the saying “knowledge is power”. With this, I offer the following.

Do not be in a hurry to fix things too soon after surgery. Take a deep breath and first get well - both physically and mentally regarding this life-changing experience you have gone through, it indeed takes time. Next, a rush to make important decisions regarding reversal may be more harmful than helpful - think it through.

This site is sure to help you see many sides of what life experiences have occurred among those posting their comments here. It is a great resource and comfort to be able to relate to those in similar situations as your own. And of course, the ever-present WARNING LABEL - we are all different - so very appropriate… seek information but in the end use your own well-thought-out good judgment.

I feel I was the poster child (well, Senior) for a reversal ASAP. A victim of “we are going to perform an emergency ileostomy surgery tonight” and then the surgeon and his team left my room. I curled up in a ball and totally spaced out wishing for death instead. This may sound extreme but that is where my mind had gone on a beautiful September evening in 2020 and yes the year of Covid - still very thankful it overlooked me as the nurses had to practically shove my eyeballs out by way of an 8-foot-long Q-tip shoved up my nose to verify I was Covid free… causing me to spew forth some nasty expletives- not usually my style… I still haven't forgotten or forgiven them for that trauma which I now know was due to either no training or lack of experience in September 2020…

The next morning and for many months to follow, my only thoughts were REVERSAL. They said this was promised within a “few weeks”. You know what they say about promises - they are made to be broken - or on the brighter side, per Mark Twain (and probably many a good surgeon) “Better a broken promise than none at all.”

In my case, as often happens with unsuspecting carefree humanoids, I was determined to move forward at high speed towards my reversal date and nothing could stop me now from making that hideous stoma disappear from my belly - or so I imagined.

Ah, but wait, there's more… there always is… Fate (that bitch) and sure nuff' … she, he, or shit stepped in….

My reversal date changed like the weather on Mount Everest in the Himalayas. First date change was due to weather (having to migrate from Wisconsin to Florida as winter approached and I needed to be home for the reversal surgery). Next, the new Florida surgeon had new requirements. As I moved forward toward completing these requirements - the roadblocks reared their ugly heads one after another.

Then came the necessary (?) heart stents, recommended or rather demanded by a heart doc and probably Medicare before reversal could proceed. That was November 2020. Next after stents placed - and here I might add: older type version of stents were placed to allow for reversal sooner rather than later.

Stents placed in November 20' followed by HEART ATTACK in January 21'- WTF !!! Once again, reversal on hold now for approximately 6 months to 1 year. In the meantime, I am not getting any younger nor any happier about my situation. All this waiting helped me to form a better relationship with Seymour and his sidekick Squirt (my stoma and loop aka the Siamese twins) protruding from my belly. Fast forward (almost 4 years now) to my current life. Who'da thunk I would still be sporting an ileostomy - certainly not me!!! Research, this website, signs, and common sense led me to a new decision. I wrote another rant about this under “Just a sign” a while ago. Early on this journey, I would have bet my life savings on the attitude “I WILL GET REVERSED”. Whew - glad I did not bet that money!!!

Today I am still considered temporary and reversal is possible. Well at least I think so. In all honesty, I have not seen a surgeon, gastroenterologist, or anyone remotely familiar with stomas in about 2 years. Why you might ask - well I call it “a change of heart” no pun intended… Last surgeon visit was for a hernia which happened sometime late in 2021. He said hernias are normal for ostomies and was unconcerned and prescribed a hernia belt - which I rarely wear.

My ole' ticker, my ostomy, and hernia seem to have settled into my body and my brain says - no drugs, no docs, just enjoy what you have. So, this is my plan going forward until such time pain drives me to disregard my brain's advice and I will be FORCED to yell -


Emergency surgery and the following traumatic days of fear that followed I may have been briefed by my surgeon regarding my situation. I now realize, mentally, I was not able to totally grasp what was being presented. Given a “knowledge is power” scenario I was indeed powerless during this trauma and for a goodly amount of time thereafter and a real understanding of the reversal promises. It is clear to me now that I did not have a real grip on reality in regards to more surgery.

I was certainly one of those innocent souls following directions and anxiously awaiting for reversal and returning to my previously normal life. I shall interject here that there are many who do return to this normality and made the right decision. From what I have read on this site it is more apt to be experienced by those with a colostomy as opposed to an ileostomy (end and loop) and so many other variations for reversal. To this I say… it is critical to know your own shit!

First and foremost in my experiences over the last few I firmly believe we all need time to heal both physically and mentally on strictly our own timeline. After all, surgery is a very serious option and not to be taken lightly or hurriedly. Family, friends etc. have good intentions and only want us to be okay again but in the end it must be our own decision for our own reasons.

Healing first from initial surgery is most important. Once fully healed and of sound mind - then a “true to your heart” decision can be made. This of course means fully researching options with a clear understanding of the “procedures” as well as the multitude of outcomes, they are many and varied AND can you live with them? The more you know the better prepared you will be to make this, once again, life-changing journey.

Jul 14, 2024 1:14 pm

Justbreathe, this should be required reading on this site, not just for those who are anxious to reverse but for anyone faced with having to make a life-changing decision. You've nailed it on every level - emotional, intellectual, factual, behavioral - everything. I remember taking a full year to decide whether or not to reverse my reversal and go to a permanent stoma (ileo here and I still went for reversal. Perfect example of the point of your post: mine was pressure from the surgeon, pressure from family, etc.). I made a pros and cons list for an entire year, four years after my reversal, and added to it anytime I experienced anything relevant to life after a potential permanent ostomy. It helped me make an objective decision. Thank you for sharing this post. You're going to help so many people who need to think clearly in order to make a good decision.

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Jul 14, 2024 1:59 pm
Reply to eefyjig

Awww, thank you for your kind remarks…this became such a novel, but I felt it necessary to share my feelings as I see so many questions and inquiries about reversal on this site. I see by your comments you have experienced these fears and anxieties, and my heart goes out to you. It seems to me most surgeons want to move forward with reversals and only lightly touch on the downside. I am sure there are many who share more information with their patients, and it would be good to seek those out before deciding on a reversal or any surgery for that matter. Thanks again for your response…jb

Jul 14, 2024 2:22 pm
Reply to Justbreathe

G-Day Justbreathe, you are a breath of fresh air. I lived all that with you and understand you so well. I really hope you have no more problems with your heart because you have a very good one. You will help so many new members at whatever level they are at because you nailed it on all levels. Keep well, my friend, and thank you. Regards, IGGIE

Jul 14, 2024 4:57 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Thanks, Iggie - I have followed your story as well and your ever-popular “Ziggie Clip,” which many have responded to and now use. I feel we all try to do our best with posts regarding our own life experiences as well as things we have learned here and elsewhere in our journeys. The good, the bad, the ugly, and yes, the comedy our stomas have given us. The comments I have read over the last few years have certainly helped me to live more comfortably with my belly asshole... Also, the shared information on new, or tried and true products that may be relevant to our situations. A big shout out and thanks to all who contribute for their valuable help 🫶🏻❤️. And let's not forget to mention Henry and Bill for their long-term commitments/inputs as a valuable part of my morning reads...


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Morning glory
Jul 14, 2024 5:49 pm

Good morning. Just breathe. I'm in total agreement with eefyjig and IGGIE. This absolutely needs to be published. You are such an inspiration to many on this site.

Jul 14, 2024 7:14 pm
Reply to Morning glory

Oh my, such nice comments - they are appreciated. Writing this has been cathartic for me, and finding some who understand my feelings is truly a bonus. Thanks! jb

Jul 14, 2024 9:14 pm

Well, you may not get published, JB, but this is an excellent read! I agree, your post should be required reading for anyone considering a reversal. Well done!


Jul 14, 2024 10:44 pm

May I chime in with the others to say "well done?" Yes, this should be required reading, and your well-written and humorous account of your trials and tribulations is to be commended. I was totally enraptured. And might I add that I also chuckled out loud a few times? You remind me of that great writer, Erma Bombeck, who also knew how to capture her readers.

I hope to hear a lot more from you! Keep on writing! :)



Jul 14, 2024 11:08 pm

Thank you for sharing. I agree this should be published. Maybe even required for the medical community. As I was reading, my head was shaking up and down and I could feel the words. Very powerful, indeed.

Jul 15, 2024 9:25 am

Words of wisdom and experience, JB, a familiar story for a lot of us and for those to come 👏

Jul 15, 2024 10:44 am
Reply to TerryLT


Jul 15, 2024 11:07 am
Reply to Marjatta

Thanks for the appreciated comments.

Erma Bombeck - a favorite of mine in the 80s - she was funny and philosophical.

"There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt." Erma Bombeck

Today one of my favorite comedians is Nate Bargatze - just good clean laugh-out-loud comedy! If you get a chance, have a look-see on Netflix, Prime, or YouTube for a dose of the best medicine. jb



ron in mich
Jul 15, 2024 12:25 pm

Hi JB, you give props to Bill and Henry, and your musings rank right up there with them. Maybe not as prolific as they are, but well worth reading.

Jul 15, 2024 2:42 pm

Love this! Well said and so true.

Jul 15, 2024 5:05 pm
Reply to ron in mich

Thanks, Ron... I am honored to be even remotely compared to our boys...

However, I am prolific at 2 things... I am sure you are waiting with "bated breath."

  1. Worrying
  2. Spewing forth phrases and song lyrics from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and all of the 2000s to date. Now if only I had read books instead, through those years!!! Bookworms will rule the world when they finish one more chapter... me, I am trying to get to the end of Google 🤪. jb
Jul 15, 2024 11:02 pm
Reply to Justbreathe

3 prolific with the JD or is it gin? I can't remember which one was your favorite, lol 🤣 XX

Jul 15, 2024 11:25 pm

LOL … was prolific with the Captain Morgan Spiced Rum … 🎶 those were the days, my friend, I thought

they'd never end 🎶 … but … 🎶 life goes on long after the thrill of drinking is gone 🎶 … ask me how I know … 😏. jb

Jul 16, 2024 8:13 am
Reply to Justbreathe

Very good. The dread of impending ostomy surgery. Deliberations about reversal and returning to normal. Reality of surgery to get that reversal. Complications. Time flies... Emotions, hopes, and plans change. Acceptance. You've laid bare the essence of the ostomy experience.

My surgeon spent an hour consulting with my wife and me. I decided the risk was too great, so I declined reversal. My surgeon said he wished more of his patients were level-headed like me. Many patients demanded reversal... no matter what.

Thanks for an excellent essay that will help many.

Jul 16, 2024 9:11 am
Reply to Beachboy

OMG... all true - had I not had the roadblocks (aka signs), I would most likely have been a demander...

Although the worrier that I am, if I had proceeded with a clear mind... I am guessing the minute the surgeon pointed to any downside of a reversal, I would have become Chicken Little 🤣

Past Member
Jul 17, 2024 11:36 am

A very descriptive and honest account, JustBreathe, thank you for sharing.

Jul 17, 2024 3:38 pm
Reply to Justbreathe

Well, I wouldn't say "chicken little." I would say: "Experienced in the ways of the stoma."

When I sat down and really thought about it, it dawned on me. Reversal is a two-part process. The surgery itself, joining the intestines together. Then later, a bowel operation. The intestines might go back together perfectly, but then the bowel doesn't work correctly. What's worse? Having a bag, or being hostage to a toilet? But then again, reversal could turn out great, returning us to a more normal life.

A Faustian bargain. 😉

Jul 17, 2024 5:20 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Just one question... Is Fauci a derivative of Faustian? 🤔 jb

Jul 17, 2024 7:42 pm
Reply to Justbreathe


Fauci is Italian (southern): metonymic occupational name for a sickle maker or someone who used a sickle.

Faustian is a situation where someone trades something of great value for a material benefit, often at the expense of their morals or beliefs.

So Fauci is a derivative of Faustian. He debased his reputation and lied to shield himself from admitting he helped fund "gain of function" COVID-19 virus development (the sickle), resulting in a worldwide pandemic.

Jul 21, 2024 4:12 pm
Reply to Justbreathe


First of all, I empathize with you. With all of the trials and tribulations healthy people face before they get sick in some way, one wonders what our FDA is thinking when approving meat to be infused with some kind of liquid (water?), thereby allowing the butcher to put his/her thumb on the scales, allowing farmers to spray their crops with poisons, allowing genetically manipulated grains to take over any that might not have been and are just in the area, poison on fruit, etc. Let us not forget the stress of daily life that affects, if not all (never say all or none), but many. We live in a world that is stressful and lacks common sense and responsibility.

As someone who also is prone to quote some lines from mostly older songs, and sometimes from books and history, I find a kindred spirit in you. I think that most of the great songs are simply memories from good or bad experiences. The best talent has experience, and of course, a way with rhyming words.

Hang in there, JB, that is really all you, or any of us, can do.