Jake's Journey: From Ulcerative Colitis to Seeking Fitness

Osto Gamer
Aug 11, 2016 10:47 am

Hey there,

My name is Jake. I am 22 years old (5'3" ~109 lbs). In October of 2008, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. For a bit over 7 years, I have struggled with this disease, trying to get myself into remission who knows how many times. Jumping from med to med, being bed-ridden for weeks, not feeling well, and frequent hospital visits. My longest stay was about 23 days, and I was put on a PICC line and was not allowed to eat for 3 months (2012). Fast forwarding, still nothing was working for me. I was tired of being on biologic medicines and tired of being on steroids. Those things were a blessing and a curse. In October of last year, I was the worst I have ever been. I was down to 90 lbs, unable to eat, and in so much pain I could barely move. I had to get surgery and fast. So I had my surgery in October of last year, I had my whole colon removed, and I now have an Ostomy Bag. Along with my disease, I have always had joint pain/issues. I also have mild Ankylosing Spondylitis. Every day I'm still in pain, and it's hard to function in everyday life. Since part of my issues are better, I am going back to my doctor to hopefully help with those issues as well.

Sorry if that was a bit long, but I just wanted to give a little introduction before I went on.

I want to change my life. For the longest time, I have been so weak, skinny, and unable to do so many things. I want to look healthier, and I want to bulk up. My goal...well, I'm not sure how to put this, but I want to be "buff". Have muscle. Most importantly, just feel better too and be fit. One day, I want to look back at myself and say, "Wow, look how far I have come." (Even though I sure came a far way already!

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My problem is, I don't know where or how to start in my situation. I'm not working right now since I still don't feel the greatest, and the best I could maybe do is a gym membership. I'd love to have a personal trainer, but the prices are ridiculously high when I looked it up in my area. I have a hard time staying motivated just because of everything that I have been through. Though I really want to try and bulk up. I'm scared at the same time because of my Ostomy Bag, though I know people have done it. I want to maybe someday have "abs" or look like I work out. It would honestly make me so happy. And just to be fit...and healthier!

I never worked out, other than attending physical therapy years ago. I'm not sure what to do. As of right now, my weight stays around 106-110 lbs. I am 5'3" as well. I really do not have any muscle mass and have a very hard time gaining weight. And as far as my diet goes, I pretty much just eat anything I want, since my appetite isn't the best in the first place, I try to eat what I enjoy. While I am better after my surgery, I am still pretty much "sticks and bones".

I feel like if I go to the gym, I'll pretty much just stand there and say, "Okay...so now what do I do?"

If anybody can help me out in any way, letting me know how you got in shape, and what exercises you did/would recommend, I would truly appreciate it. Thank you so much in advance.


Aug 12, 2016 6:51 am

Hello Jake. Thanks for your post, it made for a really interesting read.

I am a great believer in people being their own personal trainers and have coined an anagram to encapsulate this concept.

'SOLAR' stands for Self Organised Living And Reflecting - which is probably self explanatory so I won't elaborate further.

When I was helping people to wean themselves off prescribed drugs for the conditon that I diagnosed as 'dependency' on external cures, I prescribed SOCSAPINE at doses of 5ml three times per day and 120ml when needed.

Prescribing regular Socsapine helped them to  continue recieving the welfare benefits that were often withdrawn for those who were not on medication. It seemed like a catch 22 when people are financially punished for trying to improve their lives without drugs whereas those whoused them were rewarded with the extra welfare benefits.

Anyway, SOCSAPINE stands for Self- Organised Common Sense Alongside Participation In Normal Experiences and the dosage in ML's  means Minutes Long .

Interpretation:  was that people should  give themselves a dose of common sense and normal activities at least three times a day and if they needed it, they could come to my sessions and get two hours of tuition in Self-Organised Living And Reflecting every week.

These sessions were very popular and lasted for many years past my retirement so presumably the participants were gaining something valuable from attending.

As for building body muscle, I've never been troubled by this because the only muscles that have improved for me wold be those in my fingers that push the pen. My Brother did better financially when he had a successful mussel farm but I don't think that would have helped you achieve your aims.

There is a lovely appropriate quote for people who don't know where to start on their path to success and that is: 'Every journey begins with the first step'  Once you start it's just a matter of takng each step as if it was your first and getting into a routine of stepping forward and not so much looking back.

Best wishes


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Osto Gamer
Aug 13, 2016 10:02 pm

Thank you for the reply Bill! 

Best wishes to you!

Aug 13, 2016 10:29 pm

Hi Jake,

Wow, you got your work cut out for you, but Imho it might be more managable if you broke it down into smaller steps. What is most important to do first to reach your goal? I would guess to be healthy first. Maybe having blood work done to see if you are lacking in any vitamins or minerals, then work on getting what you need in the right types of organic foods.

I have read good things about folks who also like to drink there veggies in a smoothie, there are a few threads hear about such things. I'm no way in good form and surely could use some motivation to get there but if you are ready to commit to making it happen for you then great. I'll be watching the thread to hear all the information you receive and maybe even learn something to inspire myself to get in better shape.