Journey of Acceptance - My Experience with Colostomy Surgery

Nov 06, 2018 12:29 pm

I was asked recently, what I expected before my surgery and after (colostomy).

Fast forward: I was referred to a Rectal and Colon Surgeon in 2015. I wasn't on board with having surgery, was searching for another avenue. I didn't have cancer, it was caused by the slip of the knife while unblocking my small intestines. (Not this surgeon though) While sitting in the doctor's office, I always looked at the magazines that were displayed. I was amazed there were men and women with buttocks that had no opening. I had never seen this before, they also posed proudly with pouches on. Never thought this would be me, really!

My health issues became critical with no solutions. I had the surgery (colostomy) in Aug 2015. When I woke, my right hand searched my body. Yes, there was something new attached to my abdomen. I asked the nurse did she smell poop? She responded saying no, I did. Not long after, I was cleaned up and my nurse removed my appliance. Then I saw what protruded out my skin, my new reality. Unlike some, my rectum was untouched, though no longer functioning.

Before my release, I was shown how to clean and apply my appliance. Trust me, I was definitely in kindergarten all over again. In the beginning, I stayed inside unless it was necessary to go out. Mentally, it was devastating I must admit. Did I have a hang-up? Yes, of course I did. I've never seen the naked body as something to be ashamed of - now I was.

Accidents? Sometimes I won't elaborate on that because it was discussed in a blog. I have learned that I cannot control the intestines. Even when I had a functioning rectum, the intestines did its own thing. I did learn to irrigate compliments to my fellow ostomates, wish I knew at the start. I don't wear a cap, as some do... I still wear a pouch! My security blanket perhaps.

The question always comes up about scenting foul odor. You're not crazy. Some smell odors others don't, in the beginning I didn't. If I do now, it means for me to exit immediately and check or change. We become very conscious of odors "remember" the nostrils are very sensitive. I am still on a journey learning, no longer in kindergarten. I have accepted what I cannot change. All days are not sunny, but the sun does shine. I do hope this helps someone. Good luck!


Nov 06, 2018 1:50 pm

You are a good writer. What you express is from the heart. I am touched by your posts and blogs. Thanks, my friend.

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Nov 06, 2018 3:25 pm

Xnine... Thank you, you have touched me also...


Nov 06, 2018 4:02 pm

Hi Angel.

A very good piece of writing and you express just what many of us feel. It's good to know that we're not alone with a stoma, and many others are experiencing the same as me.

Nicely written.


Nov 06, 2018 4:29 pm

Scorsby, I appreciate your comments.



How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Nov 07, 2018 4:36 am

Beautifully said, Angel. Yes, our GI tract does have a mind of its own, it just can't think.


Nov 07, 2018 6:16 am

Xerxes... Thank you for your comments.


Nov 07, 2018 6:40 am

Hello Angelicamarie. I agree with your other responders that you are very good at expressing your feelings on these matters and that can be extremely useful to those who are presently experiencing the same sort of things. It is also helpful in assisting those of us who have past that stage to reminisce about what it was like in those early days before we adjusted to this new life. 

Best wishes


Nov 07, 2018 7:40 am

Bill... Thanks, I appreciate your comments.
