My heart is pounding, I'm feeling sick just at the thought of not knowing what to do... I know I will get the answer to my question soon, but still, I'm nervous. Having another corrective surgery scares me... I'm sure we all have these feelings, especially when it's the stoma... not knowing if it will be better or if it will make it worse... I have another parastomal hernia and another prolapsed stoma which does what it wants... there are days when it feels "normal," then there are days when it just hangs out and swells up so much that I have to take off the bag, lay down, and let it do its thing. I'm afraid that if I do have the surgery, it will happen again, or even worse, it turns out that the stoma turns into an innie... I guess time will tell. I'm going for my second opinion today. Let's see what the second doctor has to say... Writing out my thoughts has calmed me down. It's time to start getting ready for the doctor's appointment...

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