Seeking Support for Making My Ileostomy Permanent

Jul 24, 2015 12:47 pm

Rosiesmom - That is how I felt when it first happened, super depressed and hated pretty much everyone. One morning I woke up and it clicked, I had no choice but to understand that this is my life now and that I would be fine. In my family, we use a lot of humor at bad times - this was true for my healing. I still try to get my brother to touch my stoma, knowing it grosses him out, and my dad says God loved me so much, he gave me two assholes... the laughing helps. I have also started to calm down about the pregnant part. I met a woman who can't have any kids due to health issues. They adopted their daughter last year and will be adopting their son in the next few months. I learned that there is an amazing adoption program right here. I have spoken with my boyfriend about it many times - we agree if we can't have our own, we will go that route. It gave me a sense of calm... I just always have to remind myself - my life now is so much different than the people around me. Ladyhope - Yes, mine does that too, from time to time it is okay. The calamine has helped too much. I have noticed that my skin is even looking better!