Zucchini Can Cause Ostomy Problems!

May 17, 2023 1:34 pm

At a restaurant yesterday, I made the mistake of eating a veggie sandwich that had zucchini as one of the ingredients. Bad, bad mistake. For years I have known not to eat whole-grain bread; so the sandwich bread was plain white bread and was fine, but the zucchini was NOT. My ostomy got stopped up and then the backed-up contents burst out and caused the adhesive on the base holding the bag to my tummy to burst off the skin, and then the backed-up intestinal content poured out. It was a total mess. When the bag adhesive came off, I could see the clot of zucchini that had caused the problem. Luckily, the clot then came out. My hubby has always said that restaurants just use zucchini as filler because it is cheap, and he has always hated it. Now, I hate it as much as he does. NO MORE ZUCCHINI FOR ME!

May 17, 2023 2:30 pm

Well, on the bright side, you're cleaned out. Everyone learns what works/doesn't work for them.

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May 17, 2023 3:00 pm

Hi Okra,

Zucchini is high in insoluble fiber, so no wonder it did what it did. Any vegetable that's high in insoluble fiber will do the same thing. So be careful........and stay away from that darn fiber your body can't break down........it comes out intact and if there's a lot of it.....it will clog the pipes!


May 17, 2023 3:23 pm
Reply to w30bob

You know, not a week goes by that someone on here doesn't ask about eating something fibrous. My reaction is always the same... WHY? Fiber is fine if you have all of your intestines as it helps keep things moving. If you don't, I can't think of a single benefit. It provides nothing, so why would you eat it, ever? If you have trouble pooping, why would you eat something that makes you poop? Eat a high-protein, low-residue diet. Forget the breads, grains, and cereal, and your gas will all but disappear. Eat meat, eggs, cheese, and fish. Here's an easy test... Offer whatever it is to the dog. If he won't eat it, neither should you.

May 17, 2023 5:45 pm
Reply to w30bob

Yes, I do stay away from all fiber normally, but just didn't think about the fiber content. Was just thinking peeled zucchini would be soft inside when cooked. Guess I didn't realize how much of it there would be also. I will avoid always now!

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
May 17, 2023 7:43 pm
Reply to mild_mannered_super_hero

You don't know my pooch... if it even resembles food... it's down the hatch before you can blink. Dogs eat the same crap food we eat, so no wonder they don't live to 30.

Okra happens to have an ileo, so no colon in the digestive picture. The reason fiber is a problem for some is that they have other things going on... like adhesions, strictures or narrowing, or active disease of one form or another. Not everyone is cured by getting an ostomy... so it's reasonable that some would have problems with what other ostomates eat. 'Weez all diffent'!


May 18, 2023 12:43 am

Hopefully this happened after you got home!

ron in mich
May 18, 2023 1:19 pm

Hi all, I'm with Bob as my dog will eat anything. There's no 5-second rule in our house with the dog, and speaking of anything, I was on the toilet emptying my pouch when my dog decided to taste it. But a quick flick on her nose stopped her from a full-on taste as she only got the side of the pouch.

May 18, 2023 1:58 pm

Oh man, I really love or I did love grilled zucchini. Haven't tried it that way since my surgeries. I did have a zucchini casserole back in April but it's chopped up so small and cooked with a bunch of other things. I blamed the blockage I had on coleslaw which was the following day, hoping it wasn't a combo effect. I've been debating peeling zucchini then cutting it lengthwise in spears so I can still grill it... I think that way I could also cut seeds out too- at least some.

May 22, 2023 4:15 am

Ok, after reading all these stories, I have to say whenever I eat anything I chew, chew, chew, and haven't ever had a blockage. Scoffing down your food is a one-way trip to the hospital. I eat zucchini, coleslaw, nuts, raisins, and anything really tough as long as I do that one simple thing. I may be the last one to finish my meal, but I can really say I enjoyed it.

May 22, 2023 6:37 pm

It's funny to me to hear people talk about fibrous foods because I have to take a fiber supplement 3 times a day, and I have an ileostomy.


May 23, 2023 12:43 am
Reply to CrappyColon

That's what I did (peeled it then scraped out the seeds). I did not have an issue with it personally (but I've also been told to limit my vegetable intake to 2 cups a day thanks to a 2-week adhesion-induced hospital stay). Well-cooked, peeled, and seeded zucchini is definitely in my allowed-to-eat "eating after a partial bowel obstruction" booklet. As was said above though, we're all different!

May 23, 2023 1:48 am
Reply to mild_mannered_super_hero

Yep, I already avoided high fiber, but just was not thinking about how high the fiber content was. Just trying to find something different and tasty on a veggie menu to eat. Should not have chosen it, obviously. No more zucchini for me, ever.

May 23, 2023 4:21 am
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Hi Infinity,

Odds are you're taking a fiber supplement that's made of insoluble fiber, not soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber creates a gel-like substance in your bowels to slow things down, whereas soluble fiber is used to stimulate the colon.........which you don't have if you have an ileo.


Sunshine Girl
May 23, 2023 11:25 am
Reply to Okra

I am so sorry you went through this. I hope it never happens again... sending a warm hug!

May 24, 2023 6:31 pm

I love zucchini and never had a problem eating it as well as whole grain breads. Whatever you eat, you need to make sure you chew very well. The main things I can't eat are corn and mushrooms.

Jun 02, 2023 4:29 am
Reply to Okra

I have no issues with zucchini. It's my favorite vegetable. I have an ileostomy and eat it in pasta and curry. Never on its own though. I mix my veggies with a lot of other things like meat and rice and always peel the insoluble skins from tomatoes and bell peppers. There are a few things that are huge NO's for me like this one type of parsley, corn. Fiber is really terrible. I've had a number of blockages and hospitalizations because of it. I can eat all the nuts in the world though. How strange is that? Best wishes to you. It sucks we only find out what doesn't work for us the hard way!

Past Member
Jun 05, 2023 3:05 pm
Reply to w30bob

I hear you! I love serrano and jalapenos but the skins come out almost whole. I ate a Big Mac the other day and I found a half pickle in my bag. Yikes. I can't seem to digest a lot of things. Raisins, seeds, kidney beans, baked beans, and I could go on and on what comes out in my bag. I am lucky I haven't been plugged up.

Jun 09, 2023 3:13 am

I have trouble with anything with a skin on it. The skin seems to not break down.

Past Member
Jul 16, 2023 4:27 pm
Reply to SpaceCowgirl

I have had a similar experience. I can eat tons of nuts, popcorn, salads. My biggest offenders are uncooked root vegetables. I can even eat those in limited amounts if combined with other foods. My blockages that required hospitalization were always due to what my surgeon refers to as "dietary indiscretion."

Aug 24, 2023 8:31 pm

I have a colostomy and I'm terrified of blockages. I've been a vegetarian most of my life but have started eating meat since I didn't have very many options on the low residue diet from the ostomy surgery. So far, I've tried butternut squash mashed up. Hopefully, all goes well and doesn't cause issues for me. I'll find out tomorrow. LOL. Has anyone tried drinking kombucha or diluted apple cider vinegar for a healthy gut? I used to drink those all the time but not sure how it will go with the colostomy.

Sep 19, 2023 3:46 pm
Reply to w30bob

My no-no foods are roasted pumpkin seeds and oranges.... Oh Lord, huge mistake! It was like someone closed a valve...pain, cramping, and bloating. I love these foods but am not wanting to experience that again!