Ozempic with Ileostomy - Seeking Weight Loss Advice and Experiences

Jun 10, 2023 7:22 pm

Hi everybody,

I have had my permanent ileostomy since 2019. Due to that, I had to switch from an active job to a desk job. Working out isn't possible due to a very thin abdominal layer (very prone to hernias, etc.) and other health issues. Over the past 2.5 years, I gained a lot of weight, and no matter what I do, it doesn't come off.

(I did hear a rumor that as soon as the colon goes, the small intestine takes over the job from the colon and starts to absorb more fluids and minerals. But also more fat, which causes the weight gain. Anyone know if that's true? Can't find any research about that. If it's true, it would explain a part of why I can't get the weight off.)

Now I hear that Ozempic is very good for weight loss. Not a big fan of medications for such things, but being this overweight is far from healthy. Does anyone have any experience with this in combination with an ostomy?

Mysterious Mose
Jun 10, 2023 7:45 pm

My understanding is that Ozempic comes with some serious side effects for those not using it for what it was intended. I also have an ileostomy and have managed to keep my weight in check through diet and regular use of my recumbent stationary bicycle and light weight lifting (5 lbs each). However, I have only had my ostomy for a little less than 6 months.

As far as the absorption question goes, I personally have never heard such rumors. My output fluid level depends entirely on what I eat. :-)


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Charleston man
Jun 11, 2023 8:28 pm

Hi Coinchaser,

I've had my ileostomy for 13 years. I've also been diagnosed with type two diabetes, and with added weight, I had been given Ozempic to control my A1C as well as my weight. Though it did help with losing the weight, after several months of using it, it began causing side effects such as sore shoulder joints and bruised injection sites. Now I'm on Farxiga, which doesn't help with the weight loss. I keep limiting my carb intake as well as my sugar intake. I do try to walk to help with my weight for at least 30 minutes a day. As far as the ileostomy absorbing fluids, my nurse told me that I'd have more of a chance to get dehydrated due to the ileostomy. Her words to me were, "When you take it out, you put it back in by drinking fluids." I try to also limit my helpings when eating, which can be difficult when it tastes so good, lol. Some minerals are lost due to the ileostomy, such as iron and magnesium. Though everybody is different, this is just me. Hope you can find what you're looking for.

Jun 12, 2023 6:17 pm

Hi Coin, Chaser,

My doctor had me try Ozempic to lose weight and because I was at 105 for my blood sugars. Both of my sisters have diabetes two. I found it was absolutely awful. The bloating was horrible. My eyes got all blurry and hurt. I also ached all over. I was on it for six weeks. I gained 2 pounds. I told the doctor I would not take it anymore and he agreed.