Should I Get a Reversal Surgery After Sigmoid Colectomy?

Mar 06, 2024 3:38 am

I got my sigmoid colectomy in December, and I was going to get the reversal surgery as soon as I could. But to be honest, it's been such a hassle, and at this point, I am debating if I should get it or just keep my ostomy. Can someone who has gotten a reversal tell me how it went and their experience? And can someone who decided not to get it let me know if it's worth it?

Thank y'all


Mar 06, 2024 3:54 am

Hi! Do you have a colostomy or ileostomy?

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Mar 06, 2024 4:09 am
Reply to CrappyColon

Colostomy with Hartmann pouch

Mar 06, 2024 4:35 am
Reply to abizai.rebollar

There are quite a few people who have had that type of reversal on here... I'm not one of them, but hopefully, someone who has will comment soon :)

Mar 06, 2024 8:38 am

Hello Abizai.
 I am one of those who refused a reversal and simply got on with life with a stoma.
As for whether or not I feel it is 'worth it', this is a very thought-provoking question.
I suppose I should try to answer this with specific reference to my own circumstances, which would be along the lines that the decision was made because I felt that a reversal (for me) would not be 'worth it' because the problems that led to my stoma would (probably) not have gone away and I would possibly end up in the same (or worse) set of circumstances that I experienced before.
Given that scenario, I must conclude that having a stoma is 'worth it'. However, I have to keep reminding myself of this fact, every time I start getting fed up with having to manage the drudgery of it all it on a daily basis (and sometimes failing in that endeavour). 
I would say, that having access to a site like this where people share their experiences and feelings about things that are difficult to discuss with 'normal' people, is very helpful. Inevitably, we have to make decisions about our stoma life for ourselves. However, it is good to mull it all over with others, and even better to be able to have a rant every now and then with people who understand what we are going through.
The debate you are having with yourself is one that has been aired on here before, so if you are that way inclined, you could trawl through past posts to find what others have had to say on this subject.   These can be found under the headings at the top of the page.
I hope that (after your deliberations) you can come to an acceptable conclusion which you will be able to live with and then share with us what the outcome is.
Thank you again for you post as it is good to feel we are not alone with these dilemmas.
Best wishes



Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Mar 06, 2024 3:46 pm

Hello, I had my colostomy reversed this past Jan 30, a Tuesday, and went home on Thursday. No NG tube and pain was much less than my original Hartmann's procedure. My bathroom habits were normal within a few days. This was just my experience 😊

Mar 07, 2024 6:11 am

Hi, I had a reversal of colostomy, Hartmann's, in August last year. It was all good for me, no problems.

Dogen's bag
Mar 07, 2024 12:02 pm

My Hartmann went very smoothly with no complications. The actual operation had several complications, but thankfully it was the surgeons that had to deal with that, and by the time I was awake, the only real issue was the extreme nausea I had for the next 1.5 days.

It was worth it for me. I put on a bunch of weight, but whatever, I have no issues with my body and neither does my partner; she's happy because I am happy.

It really is a personal decision. I jumped at the chance because I still was not accepting of my colostomy and am quite glad that I did.

I wish you the best!

Dogen's bag
Mar 07, 2024 12:03 pm
Reply to DexieB


Mar 07, 2024 7:58 pm
Reply to Dogen's bag

Thank you! 😊 And I hear you on the weight... Since I'm no longer afraid to eat, it's a struggle. But a small price to pay for the good outcome!

Mar 09, 2024 1:47 am

I chose to keep my colostomy for two reasons. 1) The surgeon said he did not, nor did he recommend any other surgeon, open me up again. (I've had multiple surgeries in that area and have lost multiple inches). And 2) Diarrhea. Before and after. Liquid output with a colostomy is preferable to pancaking. But having "accidents" on a regular basis with a normal bowel system is most unpleasant. I wouldn't look forward to constant diarrhea if I were reconnected, so I choose not to.

In addition, my partner is supportive and will often help change an appliance in an emergency. Can't ask for more than that!

Mar 12, 2024 9:25 am
Reply to Dogen's bag

Hey mate! I've been following your posts and answers quite closely as I'm going in for my Hartmann's reversal on the 4/4 (3 weeks). When you say you put on a bunch of weight, is that mostly around the abdominal region or the whole body in general? Is it due to overeating or just the body's natural reaction to post-surgery? Are you having regular solid movements now that you've recovered? Do your sphincter muscles work like they used to, do you have good control? Sorry for all the questions, just a little nervous about it all. Love hearing that you're happy with the outcome, gives the ones going in for a reversal some peace of mind. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks, bud!

Dogen's bag
Mar 22, 2024 2:44 pm

Hey there!

Sorry for the late reply, I missed the post! The weight gain for me was simply because I was so restricted in what I could eat and how much before that after the operation, well... I had ice cream for the first time in 10 years, could enjoy bread with dinner, pasta beyond a 5-year-old's portion, etc. I've been living again!

My wife has told me she prefers me with weight as my thinness was due to being ill and I looked ill. I feel better, healthier, and good about it all. If I get too big, well, I'll eat less and move more. lol

Regarding movements - best I've had in 15 years, I can't believe how good my system is working now. Solid, easy to pass, and all done in one go rather than in the past when the toilet could be a 2-3 hour experience.

I am lucky and thrilled with the outcome.

Apr 28, 2024 7:44 pm

I got my ileostomy in November. It was taken out on March 1st. It makes life a lot easier. I really recommend getting it done. It took some time for it to heal, but I don't worry about things going out. Mine had no problem. I got the surgery on a Friday, and I was discharged on Monday. I had a follow-up. You have to keep it clean while it heals. I kept mine covered because the scar is right at the waistband of my pants. That really irritated it during healing. Not having to bring any 'emergency' materials when I left home, not worrying about the odor, etc., definitely made it worthwhile for me.