Hi everyone,
Love the help I get here! Thanks to you, I can now irrigate, though I am not doing it every day... but I can when something is coming up that I want to be sure I have no output.
My question today is about Pilates. I don't mean just a Pilates class at your local gym. But rather going to a proper Pilates studio where they use the Reformer and Cadillac machines, and where the instructors are fully certified in the Pilates methods. Classes are pricey and often one-on-one, so you get individual attention. Does anyone here do this?
I have a large peristomal hernia. I am sick of being out of shape and not flexible like I used to be. Since 2008 and two year-long fights with colon cancer, surgeries, ileostomy, permanent colostomy, and untold doses of chemo, I mourn the loss of my health. I have checked with my doctor who says go ahead. I have also read in many places where it says exercising with a hernia will only make things worse.
Pilates uses isometric exercises and seems to me to be a reasoned approach to making changes carefully and slowly as your body can handle it. Anyway, I have signed up for a one-on-one evaluation with an instructor tomorrow who thinks she can help me.
Would appreciate any feedback from anyone doing this already!

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Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.