Occasional Knotted Feeling in Bowels with Ileostomy

Dec 28, 2016 1:09 am

I have had my ileostomy for 5 years. During the last year I have occassionally experienced what feels like my bowels being knotted up when I happen to stretch out ...  mainly when lying in the bathtub & raise myself to a sitting position. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

Dec 28, 2016 4:01 pm

I've had my colostomy for a year and I feel the same thing.  In fact, I can literally feel it under my skin.  I believe it to be scar tissue.  I know I grow a lot of it.  :)  I'm not saying that is what yours is, but just a suggestion.  


If it's painful for you, I suggest letting your doctor know about what you're feeling. 

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Dec 28, 2016 4:57 pm

Thanks, Ozzwood. I will check with my doctor or ostomy nurse.

Jan 06, 2017 9:36 am

I also agree about adhesions - scar tissue - and it can become a problem.

Before the fabric covering that is now used by some surgeons the adhesions could be almost as bad as the problem.  Every surgery has the potential of adhesions.  I was so lucky to get the fabric and I only had one problem area and it "let go" or whatever as it is okay now.  I don't know if there is a solution but I do know it can be pretty serious in some cases. I would definitely request specific info from the Dr.


Good luck

Jan 06, 2017 3:31 pm

Thank you Ewesful for the info. Will be contacting my surgeon .



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