I was "diagnosed" with fibromyalgia several months ago. I just now began taking the medication because, frankly, I don't have the "tender points" and my muscles don't give me problems; my large joints do. So I am not sure if that's what I have.
My neurologist put me on Lyrica. I haven't decided if I like it or not or if I will continue it.
Does anyone else out there have this same issue or have you been diagnosed?

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Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.