Does ileostomy output have mucus from the digestive tract?


In it like normal bowel movements do?

I still have 90% of my colon and was wondering if mucus from the digestive tract is also present in ileostomy output like it is in regular bowel movements?

I know ileostomy output has digestive enzymes not present in normal bowel movements that make it corrosive to the skin should your bag explode or leak. So, when the output comes in contact with your skin, it thinks it's "digesting" it so it gets all red and painful.

I just want to know if the mucus from the digestive tract that is present in normal bowel movements is also present in ileostomy output.

Thanks to anyone who replies.

- OstGirl9930

Well... I'm not too sure what you're getting at here... Before my ileostomy, I never noticed mucus in my normal bowel movement, but I sure did when the ulcerative colitis kicked in. With the ileostomy, I never see what I would call portions of mucus with the stool.... What I do notice is when I eat a meal that has fat in it, say a pizza or a roast of pork that will require more than a normal secretion of digestive juices to break down the fats, then there is a brown/bile-colored liquid which is rather heavily viscous... so to speak.... That liquid is digestive acids which come from the stomach, and yes, it will burn the skin if it comes in contact because it is highly corrosive. There is always some form of digestive liquids working away in there, but to break down protein and fats, etc., it ups the brand so to speak! Hope this helps.
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I used to get good portions of mucus from my ileostomy. During bag changes and showering is the only time I noticed it, it never really became a problem.

Best of luck, Sam.

I notice mucus at times when I've been eating dairy. I do know others who have frequent mucus in their stool from ileo and have been told it is normal. It comes and goes. Just don't want to see bloody stuff. Also, just want to make certain there is no infection causing it. Usually, it is no big deal, but every situation is different so best to speak with a surgeon about this. Surprisingly, we find out surgeons are often more helpful with such questions than many doctors and nurses. (We know that is not always the case, so no offense to our helpful nurses and doctors out there). But never hesitate to ask questions with your medical team. If one doesn't have an answer, ask another one.