WE GET LOTS OF INQUIRIES ON THIS SITE regarding foods, what can I safely eat with an ostomy, what about this, what about that??? Everyone has good answers, too. We’ve all had our experiences, and I wish to put my two cents in with respect to what I regard as the three major food groups: pizza, baked goods, and pasta, all three eminently acceptable for anyone with an ostomy. I happily take my cue from that well-known dietary expert, Fran Lebowitz, whose immortal words even now adorn my refrigerator door: “Food is an important part of a balanced diet.” These are all staple sustenance. We have found a frozen pizza, for instance, that we like (Freshetta), which heats up in about 23 minutes. We put our choice of toppings on it, shove it in the oven, and there’s dinner! I’m partial to green olives, or anchovies, myself. Bakery treats, it ought to go without saying, are a boon to a life well lived. We recently discovered a pecan/cinnamon pastry that, even with only the first taste, elevated me off the floor into an enviable state of caloric ecstasy. I was afraid that the neighbors might hear me moaning with pleasure and suspect that we had somehow discovered a paranormal method to return to our over-sexed younger days. And, of course, pasta is the most staple of staples, the core, the very heart of any good diet, and with so many and various sauces available, as well as the different shaped pastas themselves, it affords endless experimental avenues of gastronomic gratification. So there you have it: pizza, baked goods, and pasta – the three major food groups. Have at it!

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As a student, there are easy ways you can prepare ahead and manage an ostomy while you are at school.
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Read answers to frequently asked questions about how to change your pouch and participate in activities.
Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.