Struggling with Sleep Due to Ostomy Bag Issues

Jul 25, 2009 8:02 am
I don't know about anyone else but, I have a terrible time at night.  I wake up 2 - 3 times during the night to empty my bag.

I try to be careful not to eat or drink anything past 7pm.  If I do, then my bag gets so full while sleeping I sometimes think it's gonna pop right off!  Because it gets so heavy, I think it weakens the flange and, it ends up leaking.

Any tips on how to get a good night's sleep??  Is there a "night time bag" of some sort?  Ya know, sorta like a foli cath bag that I could hook up to somehow?
Past Member
Jul 25, 2009 2:13 pm
Im up at least 3 times a night been that way for years on occasion I will fall into a deep sleep usually resulting in a mess then im up for an hour cleaning it so its easier sleeping with one eye open LOL I think they make an extra long bag but I have visions of it wrapping around my neck while Im a sleep(I toss and turn) not only strangling me but covering me in fecal matter LOL
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The Bag
Jul 25, 2009 5:38 pm
i had thought of this too, omg this thing is gonna blow!

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what ive tried and works for me. hey and i like my chips ahoy & milk before i drift off. i stay up later. cut it off at midnight. sleep like a log till 7ish. it i hate to say and youve got every right is paranoia. you have to expierment a little and let those chips fall oh and just let S#^T HAPPEN. my problem was that i would rollover for im a faithfull tummy sleeper. built a makeshift dam so i dont and it has worked. be creative and out smart that meatball (stoma) hang in there and give it hell
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Jul 25, 2009 6:32 pm
OMG I love everybody's humor on this issue

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Jul 25, 2009 6:58 pm

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Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jul 25, 2009 10:52 pm
ok...i am gonna invent an overnight bag!  Don't anyone else claim the copyrites.  Yee-haw--I'm gonna be rich!!

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Jul 26, 2009 9:26 pm
Hi All    If you are talking Urostomy - Coloplast do an Overnight Bag with long flexible tube.  Works fine for me - My stoma is on my right and I can actually sleep on my left - in comfort.      I just put it on a plastic tray on the floor but you can buy a hook thing that slots between the matress and base.
Jul 26, 2009 9:53 pm

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is it jus me or dus the presure in my bag feel like a pressure washer jus before im coverd in brown sauce lol maybe the goverment shud look into the amount of energy it takes 2 blow ur bag (not that way

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)its gta be at least 20 bar as a power source bein that the ozones f**ckd

p.s 4give my ranting lol
Jul 26, 2009 10:09 pm
Unfortunately this is part and parcel with an ileostomy. I don't know if you "burp" your bag during the night. If a lot of what is filling the bag is gas you can carefuly unclip the bottom and let the gas escape without having to acually retreat the bathroom.  You might want to try this with the lights on till you get the hang of it. If you try this by partially releasing the bag from the flange (which some nurses still advocate) you could end up with a fountain spewing from the built up gas in the bag.

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Also, certain medications can make the gas much worse and if your surgery has been recent then it will take time for your digestive systoms to calm down.  After my rupture surgery and the on again, off again antibiotics, I was having to burp every 20 minutes till around 2 a.m. when it would finally settle.
Jul 26, 2009 10:17 pm
I had the same problem for awhile, however it was mostly gas that was filling the bag.

The bags with the built in filters did not work.

I went to an over size bag.  Also if you are eating a lot of fiber cut down on the fiber and increase the protien.  Most all of the protiens get absorbed and very little is passed.  What does that tell you about fiber?

We that have urgent disgestive problems have to modify our diet if we want to avoid blow outs and having to know where every bathroom is in the county.

Everybody touts all the benefits of eating veggies and fiber.  Other than the bulk they add, they do little to nothing as far as actuall life support. In our case make things much worse.

What all ostomates need to do is get ahold of the cataloges showing the products that Convactec, Hollister and the others offer.  That way you can do some resonable research and get your problem figured out.  I have talked at length with several different ostomy nurses.  Other than figuring out I had an ostomy, they were of little help.

Past Member
Jul 27, 2009 12:42 am
Nu Hope (Other companies as well) makes hernia belts for ostomies that also include a flap that goes over the flange. Even for those without a hernia, they can be used at night to keep the flange from coming loose. Since using one (I do have a hernia) I still wake up with the inflated bag, but it never comes loose.
Jul 27, 2009 2:09 am
I have had my bag for over 35 years, I still get up, it becomes such a habit that eventually you won't ever remember doing it.  I still get those nights that I fly out of bed because it is getting ready to pop!  Don't spoil you night time pleasure of a snack or drink, you deserve this treat!
Past Member
Jul 27, 2009 5:53 am
This is such a good topic!

I don't eat dinner past 7 pm during the week. No caffeine. Nothing gassy or fatty. Any snacks I eat will either be something that yields low or solid output such as applesauce, rice chex.

My cup of hot chamomile and I'm good to go.

I was never one to sleep more than 4 hours without getting up for something. I have relatively low input at night. So I can get a solid 4 hours before I wake up for a potty break and glass of water.

I can't stand waking up dehydrated.

But goodness, I guess we are all sleep deprived huh?
Jul 27, 2009 10:04 am
Sleep deprivation yep thats me aswell I lost my brand new car one month ago fell asleep BANG bloody lucky not the car though i love to sleep on my belly aswell lay on your belly bring one leg up ur usr your pillow not to much fluid though and as i said in the other forum ielio tablets turns water into wine lol not really but into a gel i go out on the town and drink beer gits pills for the pouch thats what they are called yeah i look like a druggy black around the eyes i also take a sleeper so if i get up i can go back to sleep well thats what supposed to happen ..

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nighmare though so i do get up a lot ok off to bed yawnnnnnn  na watching a movie love the other posts havnt been on the site for ages ..ok TARA HURRY AND GET BACK NEED SOMEMORE NAUGHTY EMAILS HEHEHEHEH

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Past Member
Jul 27, 2009 11:30 am
Janice - have a similar problem, but live in Guam, thus travel to the Philippines for medical and found the wafer #4265 60mm Coloplast flanges/wafers with long bags (31") which fit the 60mm wafer (cost Php 150.00 -$3,12US@) - Ship to the US is actually about the same as the order.

I use thes at night - they also have a short bag (10") that fit the same wafer, I us during the day.
Past Member
Jul 27, 2009 1:33 pm
Hey Charlie  I have had mine 18 years and you just learn to cope Im no different then some ones whose had one 1 year
Jul 28, 2009 12:38 am
You all are too funny.  It sounds like having a colonoscopy is a blessing after listening to all you have to deal with.

Peace & Love...