No luck Chuck

Chuck and Tom were driving to the store when they passed a gas station with a sign that said "Free sex with fill up." Chuck said, "I've heard of this place, lets give it a try." They pull into the station and fill their car with petrol and the attendant says, "That will be $27.50 please." They reply, "Hey wait a minute. Your sign says free sex with fill up." The attendant replies, "Yes it does, but it's conditional. I'm thinking of a number from 1 and twenty, what is it?" The Chuck replies, "seven." Tom says, "twelve." The attendant replied, "I'm sorry gentlemen but the number was sixteen. better luck next time." As they pull away from the station frustrated tom says, "Man, we were ripped off." Chuck replied," No, I don't think so. My wife was in here twice last week and she won both times.
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