Diverticular Colitis


I have had a colostomy for 20 years and now I am being bothered with mucus coming from the rectum. It used to stop in 3-4 days, but now it continues. Any ideas would be appreciated.


Try a rectal enema, e.g. Fleet, to flush out the mucus. I've had similar experiences when I had my colostomy.

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I used to irrigate with a gadget fixed up to the shower in the bath - but that was just to get rid of the nasty, smelly stuff. After a while I only discharged a clear mucus with no odour so I stopped irrigating and use incontinence pads instead. It's all about choices!

Best wishes



The first two years of my ileostomy, I retained my rectum with the hope of getting a J-pouch, and like Bill, I wore women's panty liners in my briefs. Since my rectal sphincters were too damaged by my Crohn's/colitis, I opted to have my rectum removed. That gave me another 8-week vacation from work, which saved me from a layoff period. However, if you still have a useful rectum, I'd suggest you consider a possible option of colostomy reversing reconnection. Why wear a pouch if you don't need to? Or if the rectum and sphincters aren't viable, maybe rectum removal. More on rectal mucus at: http://www.healtharticles101.com/bowel-mucus-do-i-have-problems-with-digestive-tract/ OBTW, the UOAA bi-annual 4-day educational Fun Conference starts next Wednesday, 9/2. Even I, with 27 years since my first belly surgery, will be there, as I always learn something good.

Good luck and God bless. Bruce


PS. Check out the UOAA website at OSTOMY.org. Bruce

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
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