Granulation Tissue

Hello mates!

I've a question for those of you who have used silver nitrate sticks to get rid of granulation tissue build-up on peristomal skin. Can I put the colostomy bag again after silver nitrate treatment on GT? Surgeon asked me not to wear it (don't know why), but just after one day without colostomy bag my 20-month-old daughter's peristomal skin is messed up. Please help me ASAP.



Hi - I have no idea about the silver nitrate, but do you have any barrier or nappy cream that you could put on the skin to protect it in the meantime? A really good product is Sudocrem but not sure if that is something you can get hold of where you are? Hope someone else can give you some ideas .....
Good luck
Rach xx

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@lottagelady, Thanks. We are using the same cream with an additional layer of corn flour for extra protection and absorption, but an active baby with an open ileostomy is very hard to manage. Nothing seems to be working.


My wound care nurse used them on me and we put a wafer and bag on after she cauterized the spots she needed to.

Hi Alan,

I've had my ostomy for 48 years, and in all that time no doctor has ever suggested that "I" use silver nitrate on skin irritations. On several occasions, during a medical emergency, the emergency room doctor(s) used it to help stop the bleeding of the peristomal tissue. They've also done cauterization.....But for my own maintenance, I've used other products. Currently, I have bouts of Pyoderma Gangrenosum, (which is like ulcerative colitis on the skin) and the doctor prescribed Protopic, which is also used for forms of acne. There are many healing products on the market, but for general maintenance, I use stomahesive paste on irritated areas and change the faceplate more often, being careful to get a good fit. That can reduce the formation of the granulated tissue.

Best of luck.

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@Weewee, thanks mate, you got me right, bingo

@Marsha, thanks for the valuable suggestion. In our case, silver nitrate sticks are working well to remove overgranulation. I personally didn't like their use, but presently in my country, we do not have many advanced dressings available like AquaCell Ag by Convatec or Biatian, etc. I used stomahesive paste initially with great success, but recently replaced it with Coloplast strip paste as my daughter is more comfortable with them.

Once again, thanks mates. If someone has another idea to remove overgranulation with less painful options, then please suggest them. I may try my luck to get them in Pakistan.


Past Member

Hi there. I was my ostomy nurse for the granulation problem and she used the silver nitrate sticks and then put on my wafer and bag so it's okay to do that. However, the silver nitrate never worked and I still have them since I saw her 6 months ago. I find stoma power works. Good luck