Living Our Best Life : Are we able to prepare Emotionally for a Collectomy?


How far do our intellectual choices inform us - help us, to actually cope and THRIVE?


For most of us would prefer to be actively living rather going through periods - how ever short lived - of merely surviving our ordeals hey!


What best unexpected happenings are you able to share?

How has the unexpected experience had unforseen consequences?

Everyone has these - Remember yours?

We have all had an absolutely unlooked for something - that has stayed with us and grown our emotional health and happiness.

We can be intellectually prepared for our 'worst fears' - on an intellectual level of understanding: We can try to rationalise what we feel we know and undertake research and talk with Family and those who are close.


We can even get to the point of having Positive expectation when we have convinced ourselves that the 'tade off' to having an ostomy with the permanent or even promised possibiioty of a temporary collecting bag is a better alternative to either loosing our life - in sever cases and short prognosis, or leading a pain free and non incontinent lifestyle going forward for many who have come to the point of surgical intervention for their chronic illness.


Then there is the patient who, for a time has enjoyed the freedom from wearing an external collecting pouch.

They have either elected to asperate or investigate alternative, potentially continent sytems to manage their bowel output.



A handful of us may have been accepted onto clinIcal triasl of the TIES implant device - whose commercial sponsor of the device has marketing to lead the expectation of a carefree facility of a washable stopper mangement to open and close evacuation from an implanted collar in the abdominal wall.


Whatever our history of journey leading up to surgery, where a collectomy - whether potentially permanent or temporary is concerned, the person facing the explained but as yet untried outcome is naturally apprehensive at best - falsly undeterred with no acceptance of concern, or if truly acknowledging their situation , is only knowing what they think they know - ie at best the surgical patient going in for a collectomy for the first time can be intellectually informed at best.


We can trust in our God. We can trust to luck. We  can place some sort of reliance in our own researech and detailed best try to find out what to expect.


ANd so we come to the point of NOT knowing 'exactly' what is about to happen.

Our emotional state of being.

We have thought.

We have feelings.

We have hopes.

An element of Anger may be.

We even have a state of being totally and utterly scared - not knowing what to think and barely capable of processing our thoughts or acknowleding our fellings.


And many states of personal 'Prepearation' inbetween.



What are folks thoughts before as compared with retrospectively following their surgery?


How well how accurately how helpfully do you feel any of us are able to prepare, for our life changing surguries?


In my own case I feel that it is a personal journey of exploration - one for which we are unable to pre-suppose how we may react.

We hopefully try to find a balanced open mind without fixed expectation but with some good intent and hopefully some gratitude for all of the Team, Family and Friends who are a part of our life.

Do we think we could better prepare emotionally?

Is it possible?

Can we be better managed and if so how so?


In brief my own experience was several short prognosises, prolonged medical treatment options high risk -v- potential longer term better gain and a pretty focussed life inbetween all of the medical stuff.


Do some of the Memebers here have specific thoughts as to how a more integrated interaction between those who have come through their challenges after tough stoicism and who are able to lend value in terms of experience for Others - Individuals both in the patient base and within the medical profession, as to what elelements might be heklpful on an Ostomy Resource site?


Maybe, having the benefit of integrative AI within its forum options?

BUT as a total balance with direct interchange?


So many of us were ill prepared for realities - even those , who like me, spent many sessions of hospitalisation in the run up to the collectomy - which in my case I fought tooth and nail  not to have ...... and then having healed so very very well, and having deepline feeding to make one strong enought for a schedulled final surgery. I personally underwent massive challenges when bowel perforation of an unsavable section, ruptured days before the SCHEDULLED ELECTED THEATRE proceedure.

..... Even after all that 'preparation' .......

I was not prepared for consequences that followed. 

In fact in my case. it was the intellectual understanding, when undergoing my final treatment  preparations for surgery actually being well in plaace - IT WAS MY OWN EXPECTATION, an intellectual acceptance  - resignation in other words - that could, IN NO WAY HAVE PREPARED ME FOR THE HEAVY CHALLENGES THAT ACTAULLY FOLLOWED.

But, not withstanding any chapters of ones journey, there are STAGES OF RECOVERY AND GENUINE  GRATITUDE - AMIDST FRUSTRATION  that EVOLVE!

As I have said elsewhere, The CONCEPT OF EVOLVEMENT through our own involvment with others - IS PART OF LIFE!




What ideas do the Memebership have for possible resources that would add a specific extra dimention of understanding for Newbies and seasoned ostomates?


For example, would an interactive SWOT ANALYSIS - Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknessess. Threats, that we may be able to move into two columns according to ouor own circumstances?  Would someting like this be a helpful tool to use to aid our thoughts>


Would all products from all manaufacturers being viewable in one place be helpful for comparison - rather like the postive and negative columns where we might check off options as we either prioritise their selection for sampling, and subsequently our reviews of how we found them?


Could we perhaps use the AI - as is perhaps being trid out on a number of sites to categorise monitor and place helpful selections - Google has been doing this for decades - on our search engine use.  There is nothing new about AI - but what is eveolving is its INTEGRATION REALTIME>




It is the the Human Story that helps, through empathetic exchange to grow a more gentle understanding.


And it is within these environments - such as here - and elsewhere , where sharing takes place, where there is likely  CHANGE in active sense, - for in sharing we foster that change - gradully, by degrees.


And so it seems to me that those folk who host such environments as MAOstomate and invest in Site developemnt - with related resources, who will actually facilitate the difference.

It is up to us You, me , and ALL folk who interact , it is our willingness, to learn, and to expose our own vulnerabilities - BUT WITHOUT PLAYING THE VICTIM - It is the very Membership who ARE, LIVE as we all key our words and thoughts, RIGHT NOW - it is US who COLLECTIVELY aid change over time.


Thank You Administration and the developes and investors who facilitate our exchange today!


I do so very much hope, that this site - as others, are able to continue to evolve - especially with develpment of resources within AI applications which WILL I BELIEVE AID OUR PERSONAL ONE OFF SHARINGS TO BECOME THE EVOVEMENT FOR POSITIVE CHANGE AND GREATER INTEGRATION ....

Just perhaps, as the death of the search engine as we know them , and the integration of the Nuro processor - maybe then, truely, things may change - for AS WE ALL CONTRIBUTE THEN SURELY CHANGE WILL EVOLVE - BUT just PERHAPS IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS MORE humanely, nothwithstanding the integration of machine learning!






BTW My actual answer to my own question is - Yes, I do think we can go some way towards broadening our emotional intellegence - to the point of keeping it open and NOT falsly defining expectation.


And further, I think - with some collaborative input fom the Membership base of resources such as MAO we may begin to develop some hekpful and powerful tools to aid the process.




Whoa! That’s way more than my 3-4 sentence attention span can fathom. 🤔 Are there Cliffsnotes for this? 😁😬

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First off, this is a pretty cool site with 33,615 members. Get inside and you will see.

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Many come here for advice or to give advice 🗣, others have found good friends 🤗, and there are also those who have found love 💓. Most of all, people are honest and truly care.

Privacy is very important - the website has many features that are only visible to members.

Create an account and you will be amazed.

Reply to AlexT


I like your upfrontness - v. much.


And actually - the profound is 99% of the time a one liner!


Big smiles




Stumped once again, Jayne. Take me some time to fully comprehend all the issues raised here. How has the 'unexpected experience had unforeseen consequences.' Will try to answer that to the best of my ability. Need to grab a stiff one first! How to be better prepared emotionally is a tough one too for the emotionally undernourished. Thanks for making us go back and rethink these issues, that would be the first step to be better prepared mentally. Best wishes.

Reply to AlexT

...cliff notes?



Parachutes - possibly.




Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Reply to bowsprit

Your comments have inspired me Bowsprint - especially your reference to Krishnamurti within another post on this site:

I find his mind, and the body of work he left the world - together with his Centre in UK [love the design] - so fittung for the Man's philosophy.

I would like to visit the UK Centre at some point - for somehow, I feel one might just pick up even more of the Spirit of a unique thinker - so long as his own notes and transcripts still remain studyable and have not been too heavily interpreted by others. 

Now THERE one has emotional intelligence and Spirit personified  ???  I guess it may be a while before such a Soul Journies as he did, again?

..... Unless someone knows differntly ... ? ? ?


It is my pleasure to read your own posts and interchanges on many subjects on this site.


TY for your contributions.


In many ways I am a simple Soul .... and do like many forms of Journey ... land, sea, sky, and then some :-))

~~~~~~~ waves ~~~~~~

from the Hills



Looks like your heading for a Library. You really get carried away Jayne. Try and condense a little more. I am only saying it so people will read it, to long and they skip over it. Regards IGGIE

Reply to IGGIE


Point taken


Maybe its me processing - so must be mindful not to inflict 'stuff' on others.


TY for saying so.


